EUSA Convention starts

EUSA Convention starts

Portoroz, Slovenia hosted this year's EUSA Convention between November 16 and 18. The convention started with the meeting of the newly-appointed Technical Commission on Friday. The Technical Commission’s Vice-Presidents and Technical Delegates were welcomed by the President of EUSA Mr Adam Roczek on behalf of entire Executive Committee, congratulating them for their appointment and thanking them for their involvement and dedication to the European University Sports Association and student sport in general.

EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek
The delegates then first got acquainted with the structure of the organisation, its activities and history, presented by the Secretary General of EUSA Mr Matjaz Pecovnik who also outlined the most important past and future milestones.
EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik
Mr Patrik Perosa, EUSA Sports Manager introduced the main rules and regulations which govern the sports events – European Universities Championships and European Universities Games.

Mr Patrik Perosa, EUSA Sports Manager
The members of the Technical Commission attended a reception held for EUSA by the Mayor of Piran, municipality which Portoroz is a part of, Dr Peter Bossman. Mr Bossman welcomed the participants and expressed his satisfaction to be able to host such an event and gave a brief history of the coastal region of Piran. He also shared some personal stories with the delegates and invited them to return again.

Reception with the Mayor of Piran
Mr Roczek thanked the Mayor for the reception and stressed the importance and appreciation of local support to the university sports events. He mentioned that in the past Portoroz also hosted European Universities Championship – Beach Volleyball in 2005, and complimented the event and cooperation with the local authorities. As a sign of thanks, Mr Roczek presented a special edition of the EUSA Anniversary book to Mr Bossman.

The Mayor of Piran Mr Bossman and EUSA President Mr Roczek
At the Convention, the participants were also welcomed by prof. dr. Dragan Marusic, the Rector of the local university, University of Primorska. Mr Marusic mentioned that the University of Primorska is y young and fairly small university on European scale, but at the same time he stressed that sport has played an important part ever since the university was founded. Indeed, this university hosted the European Universities Basketball Championship in 2002.

EUSA President with the Rector of University of Primorska prof. dr. Dragan Marusic
The Convention continues with the main part of the event, dedicated to the organisers of the 17 European Universities Championships, to be held in 2013.
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