EUSA Convention held in Rotterdam

EUSA Convention held in Rotterdam

European University Sports Association (EUSA) and the Organisers of the 2nd European Universities Games organised the EUSA Convention on November 15 and 16 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands – the host city of the Games in 2014.

Welcome by Organising Committee Chairman Mr Daniel Sikkens


The 2-day event focused on the preparation for the upcoming European Universities Games. The participants were welcomed by the Chairman of the Organising Committee Mr Daniel Sikkens and Tournament director Mr Henk Smit. Together with the Sports Manager Mr Jack Jacobs, they gave a general overview of the event in the plenary sessions of the Convention.

General manager - tournament director Mr Henk Smit


The Organisers then focused the presentation on specific sports featured at the Games: badminton, basketball, football, futsal, handball, rowing, rugby 7s, table tennis, tennis and volleyball.

Sports Manager for the Games - Mr Jack Jacobs


Presentations by the representatives of the European University Sports Association followed; Mrs Ivana Ertlova, Technical Commission Chair and Member of the Executive Committee welcomed all participants on behalf of EUSA. 

Mrs Ivana Ertlova


Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General then gave an overview of the organisation, its structure, history, activities and future plans. EUSA Sports Manager Mr Patrik Perosa presented the technical information, regulations and EUSA sports program, with emphasis on the sports featured in the Games.

EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik

Other topics and organisational fields, including the sports programme, accommodation, catering, transport, security, volunteers, communication and promotion, side events and other event-related topics were discussed in smaller working groups.  

EUSA Technical delegates and Games' sports managers


EUSA Technical delegates had the chance to meet the sports managers and get informed about the preparations and organisations of the ten sports which will be held during the EUSA Games. Sports programme will be divided in two parts, with five sports taking place in each one. The technical delegates for the respective sports also visited all the sports venues which will be used during the event.

EUSA Medical Commission


At the occasion of the EUSA Convention also the Medical Commission held its meeting, and discussed in particular the topics also related to the Games, including medical services, catering and hygiene.

EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek


EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek was also present at the Convention, and he thanked the Organisers as well as EUSA delegates and members for their efforts towards ensuring that the European Universities Games 2014 in Rotterdam will be organised on the highest level, that the participants will be happy and that the City of Rotterdam and the Erasmus University will keep a positive legacy and image from the event.

Participants of the Convention


Eight months before the Games, which will be held between July 24 and August 8, the Convention was a great opportunity for EUSA and Organising Committee to check the preparation for the event, all the conditions and together prepare a great event for university students across Europe. The registration for the event will start on December 1st, 2013 through the National University Sports Associations.


The 2nd European Universities Games will be organised under the licence of the European University Sports Association by the Foundation 2nd European Universities Games in cooperation with the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus Sport, City of Rotterdam, Rotterdam Top Sports, Dutch Students Sports Association and other partners.


For more information about the Games, please see the official website of the event at

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