EUSA Convention 2022 starts with a seminar
Before the EUSA Convention for the Organisers of the next year’s European Universities Championships, in Kranjska Gora, starts, EUSA hosted a seminar for the Technical Delegates and for members of the Technical Commission on September 22, 2022.
At the official start and opening of the Internal Seminar for EUSA Technical Delegates, the participants were welcomed by the Secretary General of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) Mr. Matjaž Pečovnik and Ms. Ivana Ertlova, Chair of the EUSA Technical Commission, wishing them a productive and successful seminar, stating that this seminar is a chance for them to have open discussions and share all the positive experiences, practices, as well as to share their ideas for improvement in order to succeed better future European Universities Championships and Games.
The opening words were followed by short introductions of the present Technical Commission Executives, Ms Ivana Ertlova, Chair of EUSA Technical Commission, Vice - Chairs, Mr Gyorgy Kovacs, Mr Ilan Kowalsky and Mr Andrzej Hrehorowicz and Ms Abosede Ajayi, Chair of EUSA Medical Commission.
Present Technical Delegates also shared their experience working with EUSA, memories and best moments of their work and collaboration on past and recent EUSA events.
The program then continued with the first part dedicated to the role of Technical Delegates, before, during and after the event, presented by Mr Miha Žvan, EUSA Sports Manager. He presented in detail what task should Technical Delegates fulfil in different stages of their involvement in EUSA events, such as encouraging organizations to organize European Universities Championships, participating in EUSA Conventions and other events, implementing international sports rules, influencing level of refereeing quality and development and promotion of European university sport.
In the next part of the seminar, the floor was given to two technical delegates to share their own experience and best practices, Technical Delegate of Beach Handball, Ms Jelena Eric and Technical Delegate of Beach Volleyball, Mr Anton Fichtinger.
Ms Jelena Eric, spoke about her experience on European Universities Championships and this year's European Universities Games in Lodz, Poland, giving the spotlight on organizational matters of importance, challenges, positive experiences and results as well as possible fields of improvement.
Mr Anton Fichtinger, had also his presentation of his own personal experience as Technical Delegate, specified for the recent EUSA Events, the European Universities Games in Lodz, sharing positive points, specifically thanking EUSA for the support and help along the way, as well as congratulating the local Organizing Committee and EUSA for the great work done, organizing the event. He also shared his viewpoints on possible improvements, sharing his ideas and personal way of work, as something that can be implemented for an even better registration process and implementation process during the organizing period.
Continuing with the program, the present Technical Delegates and Technical Commission Executives had the opportunity to see a presentation about EUSA Operational documents, used for the European Universities Championships 2023. Mr Miha Žvan, was presenting and going through the rules and regulations of EUSA, rules and regulations of the Championships, how is the process of bidding implemented, deadlines and multiple other Minimum Organizational requirements of the upcoming EUC 2023.
This topic raised a productive discussion about positive practices, challenges, and room for improvements, regarding some of the rules related to certain sports and sport venues, based on past and recent experiences on EUSA sport events. Rules and regulations when it comes to choosing working staff of the venue, the referees, and volunteers, as well as the medical service, the requirements for the Technical Delegates and what rules and documents are important for making sure their needs to proceed with the competitions are in the best order possible.
Mr Mariano Carcatella, Assistant Sport Manager of EUSA, was the next one presenting requirements and important information regarding Inspection Visits for EUC 2023. Mr Carcatela was speaking different Inspection visits Reports, important points and requirements to meet during the inspection visits, multiple important aspects of it, such as venue visiting, accommodation, catering area, GTM rooms, inspection of sports equipment, meetings with the designated Organizational Committees and other important aspects of the inspection visits.
Chair of the medical commission, Ms Abosede Ajayi discussed the medical service requirements related to the organization of the events. MS Ajayi spoke about the rules and regulations of the medical services, medical protocols, local services, hygiene, catering, food requirements, health insurance, dietary requirements, special needs, as well as recommendations for having an anti-doping program during European Universities Championships.
The last session of the Internal Seminar for EUSA Technical Delegates was presented through the addresses of Mr Wieslaw Blach, EUSA Technical Delegate for Judo and Mr Radomir Jovovic, EUSA Technical Delegate for Badminton. They both were sharing their experience and good practices gained on EUSA events, their history of collaboration with EUSA and future possibilities for cooperation and growing up even more fond collaborative relationships in the future.
The program from this Internal Seminar for EUSA Technical Delegates was concluded with a thank you note from Mr Matjaž Pečovnik, wishing the participants a pleasant stay and productive work for the next two days of the EUSA Convention in Kranjska Gora, going on from 22 to 25 of September, 2022.
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