EUSA Conference 2014

EUSA Conference 2014

Accompanying the 2014 EUSA General Assembly, European University Sports Association (EUSA) organised its EUSA Conference on April 4, 2014 in Denizli, Turkey. Over 130 participants took part in the event, hosted by the Turkish University Sports Federation (TUSF).


The conference was opened by Mr Adam Roczek, EUSA President and Mr Kemal Tamer, TUSF President, welcoming all the speakers and participants. The floor was then given to Mr Leonz Eder, EUSA Vice-President, who was the moderator of the Conference.

Opening by Mr Kemal Tamer, TUSF President

Mr Eder introduced the theme of this year's conference "European Dimensions and Potentials of University Sport" and the different panels.

Conference moderator Mr Leonz Eder


European Opportunities was the first panel and within the panellists the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO) and European opportunities in the field of sport were presented by Ms Helena Carlsson, ENGSO Secretary General.

ENGSO Presentation by Ms Helena Carlsson

Mr Jorg Forster, EAS Executive Committee Member presented the European Athlete as Student Network (EAS) and the field of the dual career.

EAS presentation by Mr Jorg Forster

The panel concluded with the presentation of the European Network of Academic Sport Services (ENAS) and the sport within the higher education throughout Europe by Mr Bruno Almeida, ENAS Executive Committee member.

ENAS presentation by Mr Bruno Almeida


Second panel was devoted to Partnerships in Sport. European Paralympic Committee (EPC) and sport for people with disabilities was presented by Mr Ratko Kovacic, EPC Vice-President.

Mr Ratko Kovacic, EPC Vice-President

European Bridge League (EBL) and the importance and develoopment of mind sports, with focus on bridge, was introduced by Mr Yves Aubry, EBL President.

Mr Yves Aubry, EBL President

The panel concluded with the presentation by the International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) and the popularity of sports climbing in Europe, made by Mr Wolfgang Wabel, IFSC European Council President.

Mr Wolfgang Wabel, IFSC Europe President


The Conference was also the opportunity to sign cooperation agreements – memorandums of understandings between the European University Sports Association (EUSA) and some of its partner organisations. The agreements were signed on behalf of EUSA by its President Mr Adam Roczek.

Signing of cooperation agreement between EUSA and EBL


The first cooperation agreement was signed with the European Bridge League (EBL), being represented by Mr Yves Aubry, EBL President.

Signing of cooperation agreement between EUSA and IFSC Europe


The second cooperation agreement was signed with the European Council of the International Federation of Sports Climbing (IFSC Europe), represented by its President Mr Wolfgang Wabel.

Signing of cooperation agreement between EUSA and EPC


The signing of cooperation agreement with the European Paralympic Committee (EPC) followed, being represented by its Vice-President Mr Ratko Kovacic.

Signing of cooperation agreement between EUSA and ENGSO


The last EUSA partner to sign a cooperation agreement during the EUSA Conference 2014 was the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO), represented by Ms Helena Carlsson, ENGSO Secretary General.

FISU presentation by Mr Stefan Bergh, FISU Vice-President


After the break, Panel 3 with the topic of University Sport Beyond Europe followed. Mr Stefan Bergh, FISU Vice-President presented the International University Sports Federation (FISU) and its activities.

AUSF presentation by Mr Yanquing Xue, AUSF Vice Secretary General

EUSA also welcomed the representative of the Asian University Sports Federation (AUSF) Mr Yangquing Xue, AUSF Vice Secretary General, presenting the development of the sister continental university sports federation in Asia.

TUSF presentation by Mr Kemal Tamer, TUSF President


The final panel Potential of University Sports in Europe was divided into two sections. In the first one, examples of good practice of on grassroot level presenting local and national projects promoting health enhanching physical activities. The presentations were carried out by Mr Kemal Tamer, the President of the Turkish University Sports Federation (TUSF), presenting TUSF and the existing events like the Kocfest, as well as planned new ones.

AZS Poland presentation by Mr Andrzej Burzynski, federation representative

Mr Andrzej Burzynski, representative of the Polish University Sport Federation (AZS Poland) shared the experience of organising the Cooper test as a national project, being organised by a students organisation but involving all age groups of the population.

Presentation of the European Universities Games 2014 by Mr Henk Smit


In the last part the European Universities Games were presented. Mr Henk Smit, EUGames 2014 Tournament director, presented the upcoming 2nd European Universities Games, which will be organised in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, between July 24 and August 8, 2014. Ms Jelena Matesic and Mr Nikola Vincetic shared their plans and aspirations for the European Universities Games 2016 in Zagreb-Rijeka, Croatia.

Presentation of the European Universities Games 2014 by Ms Jelena Matesic and Mr Nikola Vincetic


The EUSA Conference was concluded by EUSA President Mr Roczek thanking Mr Eder for moderating the conference, the local hosts for hosting the event and the staff and volunteers for their help in preparation of the event.

Closing by Mr Adam Roczek, EUSA President


The EUSA events in Denizli will continue with the General Assembly of the European University Sports Association and the special EUSA Gala on Saturday, April 5, 2014.

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