EUSA Committee members meet in Salerno

Members of the Executive Committee of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) and invited guests met in Salerno on April 22 and 23 for the first in-person meeting of the year.
The main focus of the meeting were the European Universities Games - the attribution of the European Universities Games 2026 to Salerno, and preparation of the upcoming Universities Games Lodz 2022.
EUSA Executive Committee members and guests were welcomed and hosted by the University of Salerno, CUS Salerno and CUSI. They were greeted by the Vice-Rector of the University of Salerno Mr Maurizio Sibilio and President of CUS Salerno Mr Lorenzo Lentini.
Part of the official meeting was attended also by the Acting President of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) Mr Leonz Eder, and FISU Vice-President Mr Marian Dymalski.
Several topics were discussed at the meeting, starting with the general activity and office report, presented by the EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek and Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik.
Financial matters, with annual accounts and provisional budget for EUSA and its Institute, were presented by EUSA Treasurer Mr Francis Cirianni.
European Universities Championships, EUSA endorsed events and partnership sport events were presented by EUSA Sport Manager Mr Miha Zvan.
Several projects, some supported by the International University Sports Federation (FISU), and some by the European Union, mainly through the Erasmus+ Programme, covering a diverse range of activities and fields, were presented by EUSA Secretary General Mr Pecovnik and EUSA communications and Project Manager Mr Andrej Pisl. These projects include the topics of anti-doping, dual career, equal opportunities and inclusion, good governance, mobility, safeguarding, skills development, sustainability and volunteering.
The first day concluded with the bidding and awarding of the European Universities Games 2026. As reported yesterday, a special ceremony was held at the University of Salerno, awarding the event to be hosted in Salerno in four years' time.
The second day of the meeting started with an overview and analysis of the preparations and current status of this year's European Universities Games, which will be held between July 17 and 30 in Lodz, Poland.
A delegation of the European Universities Games from Lodz attended part of the meeting as well, sharing the latest progress report and current activities in preparation for the upcoming event in Lodz. More than 5000 participants are expected to attend the event, competing in 20 sports, and taking part of accompanying events and activities. A special Rectors' Conference will also be held before the start of the Games, and registration to this event is still open to the representatives of the higher education institutions on the official website of the event.
At the meeting, also other activities were presented and discussed, including the supportive activities to the Ukrainian national university sports association and their students through the dedicated solidarity fund and actions. The President of the Sports Students' Union of Ukraine (SSUU) Mr Yevgeniy Imas thanked EUSA for the support and solidarity with Ukraine and SSUU.
Participants were also able to experience a #BeActive scenic tour of the city, and enjoy regional culinary cuisine.
EUSA would like to acknowledge the efforts of the local hosts, and thank them for their hospitality, and also FISU for their attendance and supporting the activities.