EUSA Championships 2015 and Games 2016

EUSA Championships 2015 and Games 2016

European University Sports Association (EUSA) has opened the bidding process for its next sports events - the European Universities Championships (EUC) for 2015 and the European Universities Games (EUG) for 2016.


Universities, cities, regions and countries, interested in bidding for any of these events, should contact the national university sports association in their country for the documentation, which has been sent by EUSA. EUSA memers - European University Sports Associations - should note the date of December 1, 2012, as it is the deadline for the submission of candidatures for the European Universities Championships 2015 and also the deadline to submit the Letter of intention of the European Universities Games 2016.


For more information and as reference, please see the past and already attributed European Universities Championships and the European Universities Games, or contact EUSA Office for additional explanation.

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