EUSA Championships 2008

EUSA Championships 2008
In 2008, EUSA organises the European Universities Championships in 11 sports. It is expected that around 3000 students and 300 university teams will take part on these events.
8 of the European Universities Championships have already finished, and the EUC in Rowing, Badminton and Tennis still have to be organised.

The Champions of the events which have been already carried out, are:

· Beach-Volleyball: Transcarpathian University, UKR (m), Estonian Business School, EST (w)
· Table Tennis: London Metropolitan University, GBR (m), J. Dlugosz University Czestochowa, POL (w)
· Futsal: University of Malaga, ESP (m)
· Football: University of Caen, FRA (m), University of Madrid, ESP (w)
· Handball: University of Ljubljana, SLO (m), University of Vincent Pol Lublin, POL (w)
· Basketball: Vytautas Magnus University, LTU (m), Russian State Agricultural University, RUS (w)
· Volleyball: Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism, RUS (m, w)
· Rugby 7s: University of Limoges, FRA (m)

For more information about individual events, please see the corresponding category, or visit the official websites of the events.

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