EUSA celebrates #IDUS also in 2017

EUSA celebrates #IDUS also in 2017

September 20 marks the International Day of University Sport #IDUS, proclaimed by the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO) on the initiative of the International University Sports Federation (FISU). In 2017, IDUS has been celebrated for the second time, and the European University Sports Association (EUSA) took active part again this year.

Students, education institutions and sports organisations, along with everyone else, have been invited around the world to celebrate the International Day of University Sport.

EUSA active in sports activities #idus #beactive

EUSA as the governing body of university sport in Europe, took an active part of the IDUS celebrations, also linking it with the upcoming European Week of Sport and the #beactive campaign. Executive Committee Members of EUSA, as well as the EUSA Staff are attending the events in Tartu, Estonia.

Basketball challenge

The Estonian Academic Sports Federation (EASL), with the cooperation of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, organised a full day of activities on September 20, inviting also EUSA and FISU to take part. EASL, EUSA and FISU representatives first tried themselves in sporting activities themselves during the day.

Preparatory IDUS workshops

In the evening, students all across Tartu, the second largest city of Estonia, gathered together on the main town square, and together with the sports leaders sent IDUS greetings to the world.

Sport leaders celebrating IDUS in Tartu

Events in Tartu continue this week with the EU conference "Sport, Education, University: Joining efforts for athletes’ dual career and active societies," opening of the European Week of Sport, as well as with EUSA Executive Committee Meeting, hosted by EASL.

EUSA and its members will continue #idus and #beactive activities until the end of September, as well as a general promotion of both initiatives throughout the year, contributing to the growth of university sport, sport in general, and the values they bring.

For more information about IDUS, please see our info page of the International Day of University Sport.

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