EUSA celebrates #IDUS 2024 with team building activities

EUSA celebrates #IDUS 2024 with team building activities

The staff of the European University Sports Association, joined by the group of volunteers, experienced an active team-building trip between the 19-20 of September, marking as well the celebration of the International Day of University Sports (IDUS) and the upcoming celebration of the European Week of Sport (EWOS).

The European University Sports Association (EUSA) office employees and volunteers participated in a team-building cycling activity in the area of Slovenj Gradec, a cycling scenery path through the valley of the Mislinja River.
The primary goal of this two-day team building was to get to know each other better, enhance social relations, and motivation, as well as to emphasise the importance of being physically active, enjoying and preserving nature, and creating bonding experiences through doing sports and recreation.

EUSA office team is composed of Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, Sports Manager Mr Miha Zvan, Projects and Policy Manager Mr Andrej Pisl, Education and Development Manager Ms Sara Rozman, Head of Media and Communications Mr Salvatore Sisca, Communications Officer Ms Hristina Hristova, Sports Officer Ms Eszter Gulyas, Sports Administrator Ms Aleksandra Andreeva, Head of Administration Valentina Vucenovic and Finance Administrator Ms Katja Dolinšek.
This year the team has grown with one new but old member, Mr Liam Smith in the function of Event Manager. The team was also joined by Ms Natasa Jankovic – EUG Liaison and the 4 ESC volunteers Ms Marta Studzinska, Ms Milia Molinie, Mr Jan Hussu and Mr Markus Schneider.

The activities on the first day upon arrival, included team building activities, helping the team to get to know each other better, practice teamwork through interesting games, as well as to resolve interesting game challenges as a team.

The teambuilding cycling activity followed after lunch in the second part of the day. This was an excellent opportunity to get to know each other while doing sports activities outside in the amazing natural scenery of the area. The scheduled route was along the beautiful cycling route from the city of Slovenj Gradec through the valley of Mislinja River, covering a route of 25km.

With this activity, the EUSA office members, joined the celebrations of the 9th edition of the International Day of University Sport #LetsIDUS campaign, celebrated this fall across the globe, and especially honoured today, on September 20.

The celebration of this day helps create links between universities and their local communities, as well as sports organisations through sports, physical activity and healthy living playing the leading role.

The second day of the EUSA team building was devoted to the Evaluation of the European Universities Games 2024 in Debrecen and Miskolc, which concluded on the 24th of July.
The team did the evaluation by departments, focusing on the results and challenges, discussing potential best practices as well as potential improvements in the future.

The group of volunteers were given certain creative and reflective tasks, focusing on the start of their journey with EUSA office, their future months ahead, as well as their expectations and goals from this experience.
The main goals of the two-day team-building trip were achieved by strengthening interpersonal relationships, fostering more teamwork inside the organization, and assembling everyone for future working activities ahead.

EUSA will continue the celebrations of #LetsIDUS and #BeActive campaign at upcoming events in October, such as: the EUSA Convention 2024 and EUSA –FISU Seminar, planned to happen between the 10th and 13th of October in Salerno, Italy.

Learn more on the International Day of University Sport:


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