EUSA Audit meeting

EUSA Audit meeting
On February 24, the annual Audit meeting was held at the EUSA Office in Ljubljana. EUSA Auditors Mr Zoltan Rakaczki from Hungary and Mr Marian Matac Liviu from Romania met with Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik and Treasurer Mr Olaf Tabor.
The Auditors checked the financial operations of EUSA for the past year. The finances were presented in details, and the Secretary General and the Treasurer were able to assist the Auditors with their questions.

EUSA Auditors Mr Rakazki and Mr Liviu
Mr Pecovnik and Mr Tabor also presented the activities in 2013 and the foreseen activities in 2014, together with the Provisional Budget. The Annual Accounts and the Audit Report will be presented to the General Assembly which will be held in Denizli, Turkey between April 3 and 6, 2014.
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