EUSA at the stakeholders' dialogue event at the European Parliament

EUSA at the stakeholders' dialogue event at the European Parliament

On the initiative of European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education (CULT), a stakeholders’ dialogue on the role of the EU policies in shaping the European Sport Model was held at the European Parliament on March 18, 2025.

The event was hosted by the Member of the European Parliament, Vice-Chair of the CULT Committee and rapporteur of the initiative Bogdan Zdrojewski, who also opened the event.

Short introductory presentations from European institutions were also made by Iwona Lotysz, Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union; Giorgio Guazzugli-Marini, Acting Head of Sport Unit at the European Commission; and Roberto Pella, European Committee of the Regions, rapporteur of the opinion on "Building a values-based, bottom-up European sports model: a vehicle for encouraging inclusion and social wellbeing among young Europeans." 

20 invited organisations, key sports stakeholders in Europe, including the European University Sports Association (EUSA), shared their priorities and recommendations regarding the European Sports Model. On behalf of EUSA and its Institute, the contribution, experiences, observations and recommendation were made by Andrej Pisl, EUSA Director of Projects & Policy.

The event was also an opportunity for EUSA to highlight its activities and the importance of sport funding opportunities for projects, co-funded by the European Union, especially the Erasmus+ Programme. DiscoverU project on university sport, lead by the EUSA Institute, was also specifically mentioned and promoted, in cooperation with the European Athlete as Student - dual carer network (EAS).

European Parliament's own-initiative report will gather the input from the stakeholders regarding the European Sport Model, using it also in preparation of the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) of the European Union (EU).

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