EUSA at the Safer, better, stronger Conference

EUSA at the Safer, better, stronger Conference

The historic city Berlin was the location of the closing conference Safer, better, stronger! Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Sports on November 20 and 21, 2012.


The conference was a part of the European project Prevention of sexualized violence in sports – Impulses for an open, secure and sound sporting environment in Europe. Funded by the Sport Unit of the European Commission in the preparatory action in the field of sport, this project is being implemented in close cooperation of the partners in the project, with Youth Organisation of the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO Youth), German Sports Youth in the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DSJ), Institute for Social Work and Social Education (ISS), European University Sports Associations (EUSA) and 8 other partners, with scientific advisors from 10 European countries.

Conference poster


As an integral part of the project, this conference aimed to bring together and foster a transnational network of policy-makers, representatives of the sport organizations, national coaching foundations, media as well as those, who are willing to take decisive measures on different levels and contribute to the prevention of sexual harassment and abuse in sport.

Mrs Karen Leach


The conference was opened by Mr Ingo Weiss, chair of German Sports Youth (DSJ) and Board member of German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB); Mr Bart Ooijen, Sport Unit/Directorate-General Education and Culture, European Commission; Mr Johannes-Wilhelm Rorig, independent representative for issues of sexual child abuse and a touching testimonial of SHA survivor Mrs Karen Leach, former swimmer from Ireland.


The conference offered both theoretical and practical insights on the subject matter, in forms of plenary session, symposiums, workshops and through networking and personal discussions. At the conference, a brochure was published: Prevention of sexual and gender harassment and abuse in sports - Initiatives in Europe and beyond; as a result of the research of the experts group.

Mr Ooijen (Sports Unit, European Commission), Mr Holze (ENGSO Youth), Ms Kopczyk and Mr Pisl (EUSA)


EUSA was represented at the conference by Mr Andrej Pisl, Communications Manager and Ms Renata Kopczyk, Chair of International and European Law at the University of Wroclaw. They also took the opportunity to discuss projects and cooperation with Mr Bart Ooijen from the European Commission and Mr Jan Holze from the ENGSO Youth.

Conference sessions with experts on SHA


The conference was also attended by representatives of all project partners, several scientists, activists, representatives of the National Olympic Committees of several European countries and other people interested in preventing sexual harassment and abuse in sport. EUSA representatives therefore took opportunity to meet with other partners and representatives; among them also the new Secretary General of the German University Sport Federation (ADH) Mr Paul Wedeleit, who will officially start the function in December 2012.

Mr Wedeleit (ADH) and Mr Pisl (EUSA)


List of all Partner organisations in the project:

German Sports Youth in the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DSJ)

Institute for Social Work and Social Education (ISS)

The Youth organisation of the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO Youth)

European University Sports Association (EUSA)

The Association of International Sport for All (TAFISA)


European Confederation of Modern Pentathlon

European Basketball Federation (FIBA Europe)

International Catholic Federation of Physical and Sporting Education (FICEP)

European Women and Sports (EWS)

Child Protection in Sports Unit (CPSU/ NSPCC)

European Paralympic Committee (EPC)


For more information about the project and the conference, please see

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