EUSA at the National Volunteering week 2024

EUSA at the National Volunteering week 2024

On 23rd of May, around 50 organisations were present at Prešeren Square in Ljubljana, Slovenia for the National Volunteering Week 2024, among which EUSA and EUSA Institute were also present. 

The event is a annual celebration of volunteering, organised by Slovenska Filantropija, serrving as a celebration of volunteerism, a chance for organizations to publicize their initiatives, and a chance for volunteers from various groups to connect and exchange experiences. 

European University Sports Association (EUSA) with its Institute was represented at the stand by EUSA volunteers Mr Giacomo Mori and Mr Simone De Luca, under the supervision of the EUSA Communications Officer Ms Kiki Hristova.

This year, EUSA focused the promotion on the upcoming biggest unviersity sport event in Europe, the European Universities Games in Debrecen and Miskolc, taking place from 12-24 of July, as well as educating and promoting information regarding the organization, its goals, projects and volunteering programs. This education was done through a interactive games, a mixture of questions related to EUSA combined with different challenges involving short on spot physical activities.

They gave passers-by the opportunity to play this interactive game, to learn more about what EUSA offers as an organization, to promote our aims, core values and main sporting and educatonal activities, winning different gifts and EUSA promotional materials. 

Through the EUSA stand, the promotion was also focused on the ongoing and future projects and initiatives, such as: ESOM, DiscoverU, Fit4Green, YouMind, the International Day of University Sport, and many more. Many discussions regarding the volunteering opportunities and experiences at EUSA and EUSA events were present at the stand, mainly promoting  the opportunity to join the upcoming EUG 2024 as a volunteer and create another great summer volunteering sporting experience. 

Merging and getting to know  other different organisations, working for different causes and offering many volunteering opportunities for all generations, is among other, one of many great benefits that this event and the National Volunteering Week in Ljubljana, offers annualy with organising and hosting this gathering. 

The EUSA Institute offers various opportunities to volunteer punctually at sports events and on an annual basis through the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) Programme.
EUSA has been welcoming ESC volunteers since 2014. They take part in the office's daily activities in Ljubljana, also actively contributing to different EUSA events and different project activities.

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