EUSA at the FASU General Assembly

EUSA at the FASU General Assembly

During the 6th All Africa University Games held in Windhoek, Namibia, the University Sports Federation of Africa (FASU) held its General Assembly. From the 24 FASU members, 15 were present at the Assembly, which approved the Democratic Republic of Congo as a new member. The countries of Mali, Togo and Congo Brazzaville participated as observers and will normally be accepted as new FASU members as soon as they have sent all the necessary documents to the FASU General Secretariat.

1st VP Leopold Senghor, President Malumbete Ralethe, Secretary General Penninah Kabenge


At the opening address FASU President Mr Malumbete Ralethe and President of Tertiary Institutes Sports Association of Namibia (TISAN) of Mr Werner Jefferey as the host welcomed the delegates and guests in Namibia, "the smile of Africa". Among them were also FISU Vice-President Mr Stefan Bergh, EUSA Vice-President Mr Leonz Eder, FISU Assessor Mr Chen Tai-Cheng and FISU WUC Director Mr Laurent Briel. They stressed the fact that a united Africa will have a stronger voice.

EUSA Vice-President Mr Leonz Eder addressing the FASU Assembly


EUSA delegate Mr Leonz Eder thanked both FASU and the OC of the FASU Games in French and in English for the kind invitation to participate at the FASU Assembly. "It's my great pleasure to transfer to you the best regards and wishes from the President of EUSA, Mr Adam Roczek, and the entire EUSA family," Eder said.

Audience at the Assembly


He underlined the fact, that EUSA and FASU have had very good relations since many years and this will last also in the future. "Having organised the 1st EUG 2012 in Cordoba, Spain, I congratulate FASU for the 6th edition of the All Africa University Games and I wish you great success during this event in Windhoek," Mr Eder said. In closing he added: "I thank you very much for your hospitality and your friendship and I wish to strengthen the personal and institutional relations between EUSA and FASU. We have the same goals, dreams and hopes for developing University sport in our continents."

FASU President Malumbete Ralethe receiving EUSA plaquette from Vice-President Leonz Eder


The Assembly among other items approved the reports of the President, the Secretary General and the financial report. In the activity report, Secretary General Mrs Penninah Kabenge outlined among many activities the organisation of the WUC Cross 2014 in Uganda and the 7th FASU Games in 2014, for which Egypt, Senegal, Mozambique and Cameroon are interested to host. FASU will also organise a 1st Africa Sports Student leaders' development seminar, a 1st Secretary General's Technical Seminar and for the first time FASU Rugby 7s, Judo and Cross country Championships.

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