EUSA at the 2015 Erasmus+ Sport Info Day

EUSA at the 2015 Erasmus+ Sport Info Day

European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) organised the Erasmus+ Sport Infoday on February 11 in Brussels, Belgium.

The aim was to explain the funding opportunities available under the Sport chapter within the Erasmus+ programme, with special focus on the upcoming submission deadline for collaborative partnerships and not-for-profit sports events. Speakers gave advice and tips on preparing and submitting proposals, and provided additional information and support with the financial aspects of funding.

EU Erasmus+ Spot Infoday 2015

The event was attended in person by 570 participants from 34 countries and online web streaming for all sessions was available as well.

EUSA Representatives: Mr Pecovnik and Mr Pisl

European University Sports Association (EUSA) was represented at the Infoday by its Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik and Communications and Projects Manager Mr Andrej Pisl.

EUSA and EUSA events organisers

The event was attended also by EUSA partners, including ENGSO, ENGSO Youth, ISCA and others, some EUSA member federations (FADU from Portugal and HASF from Croatia), the organisers of European Universities Games 2016 & 2018 and also a few representatives of the organisers of the European Universities Championships.

EUSA at the EU Erasmus+ Sport Infoday

Apart from getting the latest news and updates on the funding opportunities, the event served as a great opportunity for networking, discussions with existing and new partners and promotion of EUSA and its activities in the wider European sports sphere.

Commissioner Navracsics

The event was opened by Mr Brian Holmes, Director of EACEA, featured several speakers and concluded with the address by Mr Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport.

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