EUSA at SELL Games 2014

EUSA at SELL Games 2014

Tartu, Estonia, hosted the 30th edition of the SELL Games. The student games, which are organised under the patronage of EUSA and FISU, gathered together over 1700 participants from 13 countries who participated in 14 sports. On the invitation of the Estonian Academic Sports Federation (EASL), Mr Adam Roczek, EUSA President and Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, Secretary General attended the opening ceremony and held several meetings with the local academic and city authorities, as well as with the representatives of international and national university sports associations attending the event.


Representatives of SELL countries, EUSA and FISU


Mr Roczek and Mr Pecovnik were together with Mr Oleg Matytsin, FISU First Vice-President and EUSA Vice-President, firstly welcomed by Mr Ants Veetousme, EASF President, Mrs Kairis Ulp, board member and Mr Tarmo Jaakson, Secretary General, who presented them the federation activities and sports facilities to be used for the games.


Sports Competitions


Together with presidents of the national university sports federations from SELL countries, Mr Ceslovas Garbaliauskas (LIT), Ms Hanna Huumonen (FIN) and Mrs Agita Abele (LAT) and other international guests, they paid a visit also to the University of Tartu, where they were welcomed by the rector, Mr Volli Kalm. They also visited the exhibition on 90th Anniversary of Olympic Committee of Estonia.


Guests in front of the University, with the Rector


In the evening, the official reception was held at the city hall. The Mayor of Tartu Mr Urmas Klaas welcomed the invited guests, representatives of universities and national and international university sports federations. Mr Roczek thanked on the occasion the Mayor of Tartu as well as the EASL President on the invitation and presented them the EUSA plaques.


EUSA plaquette was handed to the Mayor and EASL President


Afterwards, the participants attended the spectacular opening ceremony held in the city centre. The ceremony started with the march pass of the participating universities and welcome addresses by the Mayor of Tartu Mr Klaas, EUSA President Mr Roczek and FISU First Vice-President Mr Matytsin.


EUSA President Mr Roczek addressing the participants


EASL President Mr Veetousme officially opened the games. The cultural program that followed impressed the participants and concluded with great fireworks.


Fireworks highlighted the Opening ceremony


More information and results are available on the official website of the event

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