EUSA at FASU Assembly

EUSA at FASU Assembly

The General Assembly of Federation of African University Sports – FASU is being held in Kampala, Uganda on August 20-21. 18 countries are being represented: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe, with invited guests also from EUSA and FISU.


FASU Assembly


After the welcome address from FASU President Hassan Chikh, EUSA President Alberto Gualtieri was invited by FASU 1st Vice President Dr Malumbete Ralethe to take the floor. “It’s a great honour for me personally and on behalf of EUSA to be here to share with you this occasion that gives to you and to us the possibility to consider the work done by your Federation since its birth and in particular in the last years and to us the opportunity to reinforce the collaboration between FASU and EUSA,” Alberto Gualtieri said.


EUSA President Mr Alberto Gualtieri

Gualtieri stressed that “Continental Associations are a reality that became a fundamental benchmark for the development of the University Sport worldwide. Continental Associations as well Regional Associations have still to complete their way. If they are the basis on which the world university sport can count, we have, as Continental Associations, the commitment to lead a movement that starting from our students, our Universities, our NUSA should create a netting activity through a strong collaboration to lavish our experience, our devotion to the Olympic principles of sport on our young generation, on our academic life. We know very well that, at the moment, a world model of university sport is far to be accomplished. This is not only depending on the very large differences among Continents.”

Regarding the contribution of FISU to the development of university sport worldwide, the EUSA President stated that if FISU thinks that Continental Associations are one of the most important ring of the chain to get a substantial quick growth of university sport it is the time to show more and more its strong will to acquire an increasing economic vision toward NUSA through Continental Associations. Mr Gualtieri closed his speech by saying: “On behalf of EUSA and personally we wish to your General Assembly the best success and a very productive days of work for the benefit of African University Sport, for FASU, for FISU and for all of us as a people that love and live for university sport.”


Alberto Gualtieri, Leonz Eder, Eric Saintond and other guests

Beside of EUSA President Gualtieri, several other guests from EUSA and FISU are present at the FASU General Assembly: EUSA Vice President Sinisa Jasnic (SRB), EUSA Treasurer Leonz Eder (SUI), FISU Secretary General/CEO Eric Saintrond (BEL), FISU Vice President Stefan Bergh (SWE) as Chairman of the CDUS of FISU, FISU Assessors Stavros Douvis (GRE) and Marian Dymalski (POL). The presence of so many European members of EUSA and FISU Executive Committees underlines the close cooperation between FASU and EUSA.

For more information about FASU and the assembly, please see

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