EUSA at European Week of Sport Seminar

EUSA at European Week of Sport Seminar
On the invitation of the European Commission Unit Sport, Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General attended the Preparatory Seminar on the European Week of Sport (EWoS) organised in Albert Borschette Conference Centre in Brussels on November 20, 2013.
From 2015, the European Commission intends to organise European Week of Sport (EWoS) on annual basis, promoting participation in sport and physical activity throughout Europe. The current seminar was an opportunity for the European Commission to gather views and ideas on such a Week from various important stakeholders' as well as to identify existing good practices.

Opening of the Seminar
The Seminar was opened by Mrs Chiara Gariazzo, Director for Youth and Sport who welcomed around 40 participants from various European and International Organisations. In the first part of the seminar, the exchange of experience and good practice was made with presentations of existing sport weeks organised in Europe. President of French Olympic Committee Mr Denis Masseglia reported on the French Week ‘Sentez-vous Sport” while President of International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) Mr Kirkeby Mogens presented the European Move Week.

Round table
The participants afterwards presented other projects which could serve as an example of a good practice. The discussion touched also the potential partnerships and organisational structure of the project, its main activities, foreseen budget and communication. EUSA Secretary General presented the activities of EUSA as the umbrella organisation of university sports in Europe, its network, potential and readiness to participate in the project. At the end of the event, participants agreed on next steps and future activities.
On the occasion of the Seminar, Mr Pecovnik had an opportunity to meet with Mr Yves Le Lostecque, Head of the Sport Unit of the European Commission to discuss and present the activities of EUSA. Mr Pecovnik met also with Mrs Heidi Pekkola, Policy and Communication Officer of the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO) to discuss next steps in cooperation between ENGSO and EUSA, which is foreseen to be formalised by signing of agreement between both associations in the near future.

ISCA President Mr Mogens and EUSA Secretary General Mr Pecovnik
EUSA Secretary General had meetings also with the representatives of some other organisations, among them with Mr Marko Begovic from Council of Europe, Mr Kirkeby Mogens, President of International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) and Mr Ratko Kovacic, Vice President of European Paralympic Committee.

EUSA Secretary General with EPAS and EPC representatives
Mr Kovacic and Mr Pecovnik discussed the organisation of EUSA European Universities Games 2016 in Rijeka-Zagreb, the planed inclusion of student athletes with disability into the event and cooperation between EPC and EUSA.
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