EUSA at ESN Assembly

EUSA at ESN Assembly

This year's Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) took place in Maribor, Slovenia between April 11 and 15, 2013.


Present at the meeting was also Mr Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications Manager, representing the European University Sports Association (EUSA). He presented EUSA at the student's fair - Youngle, which was a part of the Assembly.

Youngle - Student's fair

The focus was given on the European Universities Championships and Games, as well as on the EUSA Volunteer Programme. Apart from contacting the students and delegates, Mr Pisl also had the chance to meet with the President and Staff of ESN.

Andrej Pisl promoting EUSA and its activities at the ESN students fair


Among the delegates was also Mr Valentin Dupouey, EUSA Media and Communication Commission member, in the role of the President of ESN France.

Valentin Dupouey, EUSA MC Member & ESN France President

Together with other delegates present at the AGM - over 500 of them - also elected the new board for the next period, chaired by the new President Mr Stefan Jahnke from Sweden.

Stefan Jahnke, New President of the ESN International Board


ESN focuses on international student exchange and is present in over 400 Higher Education Institutions from 35 countries, having about 12.000 active members. The mission of ESN is being the key volunteer student organization in international higher education in Europe, providing opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of students helping students.

Outgoing and new incoming Board of ESN


In the future, the possibilities of cooperation between both organisation will be explored in more details.

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