EUSA at ENGSO Seminar and General Assembly

EUSA at ENGSO Seminar and General Assembly

ENGSO – European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation held its 21st General Assembly in Belgrade, Serbia on June 7 and 8, 2013. EUSA – the European University Sports Association was also one of the invited partners, and was represented by Mr Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications Manager.


The event started on Friday morning with the ENGSO’s EU Seminar on European Sports Policy. The seminar was opened by the ENGSO President Mrs Birgitta Kervinen, who welcomed the participants and guests. The floor was then given to Mr Poul Broberg, ENGSO EC member and EU Working group Chair to moderate the event.

ENGSO President Mrs Kervinen opening the Seminar


Mr Pedro Velasquez, Acting Head of the Sport Unit with the European Commission gave a presentation on the current and future EU Sports Policy, with emphasis on the 2014-2020 strategy and funding possibilities.

Mr Velasquez from the Sport Unit, European Commission


Mrs Ewa Markovicz, Chair of the EPAS Governing Board gave an introduction of EPAS (Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport) and the Council of Europe, reporting on the past activities in the field of sport and presented the plans for the future.

Mrs Markovicz from EPAS, Council of Europe


Mrs Helena Carlsson and Mrs Heidi Pekkola, ENGSO EU Working group members presented the idea of the European week of sport, and some suggestions were gathered in the interactive workshop with the participants. The seminar concluded with the consultation session of ENGSO members on the future EU work plan on sport and on ENGSO priorities.

Official opening at the Palace of Serbia


Later in the evening, the participants gathered in the Palace of Serbia for the official opening ceremony and formal dinner, where they were welcomed also by Mrs Alisa Maric, Serbian Minister of Youth and Sport. Mr Pisl addressed the participants on behalf of EUSA, thanked ENGSO for the invitation and the hosts for their hospitality and stressed the importance of partnerships and youth in sport.

EUSA address by Mr Pisl


The assembly continued on Saturday with the annual reports, strategic and action plan and elections of the part of the Executive Committee. The new Vice President of ENGSO is Mr Predrag Manojlovic (SRB), and Secretary General Mrs Helena Carlsson (SWE), with Sallie Barker (GRB) and Mrs Lotte Büchert (DEN) being re-elected as ENGSO Executive Committee members.



The hosts also organised a special sightseeing tour of Belgrade, covering both the historical sites, as well as the giving the history from a sports perspective.

ENGSO President Mrs Kervinen receiving a EUSA plaquette

The event concluded with a farewell dinner at which Mr Pisl awarded Mrs Kervinen the EUSA plaquette to commemorate the event and cooperation between the organisations.


More information about ENSGO can be found online at

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