EUSA and FISU meetings

EUSA and FISU meetings

During his stay in Brussels, Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General visited the headquarters of the International Foundation for the Development of University Sport (FIDSU) on November 19, 2013 and held several meetings with a few directors of various departments of the International University Sports Federation (FISU).


Mr Pecovnik firstly met with Mr Laurent Briel, FISU Development and Special Projects Director and Mrs Nicole Mangelschots, Executive Assistant.  The participants discussed the topics related to the ongoing EUSA projects supported by FISU this year as well as the approved 2014-2015 projects. The dates for final report submission and regular audit meeting were agreed. The program of EUSA events for 2014 was presented by EUSA Secretary General together with the decisions taken by Executive Committee on its last meeting in Yerevan. 

EUSA Secretary General meets with three FISU Departments Directors


Afterwards, EUSA Secretary General met with Mr Dejan Susovic, FISU Media Director to discuss the possibilities to even improve the cooperation on the field of promotion of both organisations and university sport in general. At the end of his visit, Mr Pecovnik also exchanged information on the latest development and events on the educational field with Mr Kole Gjeloshaj, FISU Director Education Services. 


Tomorrow, on the invitation of the European Commission Sport Unit, Mr Pecovnik will attend the Preparatory Seminar on the European Week of Sport.

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