EUSA and EFPM Partnership

EUSA and EFPM Partnership
Together with the Fair Play Congress, the General Assembly of the European Fair Play Movement (EFPM) was also organised in Istanbul. The Assembly was held in Istanbul on June 8, 2013 and gathered the delegates from member federations as well as many international guests, among them also the representative of the European University Sports Association, Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General.

EUSA representative Mr Pecovnik
The Assembly was opened by Mr Christian Hinterberger, EFPM President who welcomed the delegates and invited guests. Afterwards, the floor was given to the representatives of international and European organisations present on the Assembly. Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, Secretary General addressed the General Assembly and presented to the delegates the structure and activities of EUSA, with a special focus on the field of Fair Play. In this manner, the history of awarding the Enno Harms Fair Play Award and its receivers was presented to the audience together with other activities and initiatives EUSA is doing to promote the Fair Play among students and universities.

EUSA presentation
At the end of presentation Mr Pecovnik presented EFPM President the EUSA Plaquette, as well as the signed Memorandum of Understanding between EUSA and EFPM. Both organisations declared to join forces in promoting the ethical values of sports in the broadest sense, in sport activities and daily life at European level and agreed to establish and coordinate common activities in matters of Fair Play, tolerance, peace and understanding. The Agreement between EUSA and EFPM was welcomed also by Mr Jeno Kamuti, President of International Committee for Fair Play (ICFP), who also attended the assembly.

EUSA, ICFP and EFPM representatives
The delegates afterwards continued their work with discussing the other topics on agenda. The next EFPM Assembly will be held in 2014 in Riga, Latvia.
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