EUSA also at the ENGO Youth Assembly

EUSA also at the ENGO Youth Assembly

Parallel to the ENGSO Assembly in Belgrade on June 7 and 8, the General Assembly of ENGSO Youth also took place. The European University Sports Association – EUSA was represented at this event by Mr Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications Manager and Mr Jaka Bassanese, EUSA Student Commission member.


Participants of the ENGSO Youth Assembly also took part in the ENGSO’s EU Seminar, joint official opening and reception in the Palace of Serbia with speeches by the Serbian Minister of Youth and Sport Mrs Alisa Maric, ENGSO President Mrs Birgitta Kervinen, Mr Pedro Velasquez from the Sport unit of the European Commission, Mrs Ewa Markovicz, from EPAS, Council of Europe, Mr Dusan Mitic from TAFISA and Mr Andrej Pisl from EUSA.

Workshop introduction


While some parts were joint and common to both events, the programme of ENGSO Youth focused on the topic of Promoting youth employment in sports. The thematic session was divided in several parts, starting with a general overview of unemployment among youth in Europe, and trying to define strategies of combating it, especially in and with sport and sport-related activities.

Presentation of the brainstorming sessions


Participants were then split into several groups, brainstorming on the specific issues and initiatives for tackling unemployment of young people and their opportunities to get employed in relation to the sport field.

Symbollic gesture of ENGO Youth and EUSA cooperation


On behalf of EUSA Mr Pisl awarded a special plaquette to ENGSO Youth President Mr Jan Holze, commemorating the event and honouring the cooperation of EUSA and EUSA Youth in projects like the European Anti-Doping Initiative, Prevention of sexualised violence in sport and general cooperation.

Newly elected ENGSO Youth board


The ENGSO Youth Assembly also elected the new Board for the next 2-year period; with Mr Jan Holze (GER) being re-elected as the President and Mr Paolo Emilio Adami (ITA) as Vice-President. Other members are Natasa Jankovic (SRB), Tormod Tvare (NOR), Francesca Kelly (GBR), Danej Navrboc (SLO), Miikka Neuvonen (FIN), Liis Kaibald (EST) and Julien Buhajezuk (FRA).

Volunteer award


At the Assembly ENGSO Youth best Volunteer award 2013 was also attributed; received by Ms Nevena Vukasinovic from Serbia.

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