European Universities Volleyball Championship in Rzezsow starts

European Universities Volleyball Championship in Rzezsow starts

The Opening Ceremony of the European Universities Volleyball Championship 2017 took place on June 25 at the City Sport Hall Podpromie in Rzezsow, Poland. The event is hosting 12 male and 9 female teams representing 20 universities from 15 countries.

The Opening was attended by EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek, EUSA OC President Mr Wojciech Czarny, Rector of Rzeszow University of Technology Mr Grzegorz Maslowski, President of Polish Volleyball Federation Mr Jacek Kasprzyk, President of the Academic Club of the Academic Sport Association of the University of Rzeszow Mr Emilian Zadarko, participants and other guests.

Opening Speeches by EUSA and OC Presidents

Participants were addressed by Organising Committee President Mr Czarny and EUSA President Mr Roczek who welcomed the participants and wished all the teams and participants who came to test their skills and abilities great competitions and all the best.

Participating teams

The Championship is taking place between June 25 and July 2, and is organized by the Academic Club of the Academic Sport Association of the University of Rzeszow with contribution of Rzeszow University of Technology and many supporters and sponsors of the event.

March pass of the athletes

The organizers are very well prepared for the event, and gained experiences hosting events like the Festival of Academic Sport, Academic Sport Championships, Action “Ski for children”, Youth’s Winter Sports Olympics and other events.

EUSA representatives among the audience

European University Sports Association (EUSA) is represented by Mr Hovhannes Gabrielyan and the Technical Delegate Mr Joerg Foerster, assisted by Mr Lars Rydland.

Spectators and teams at the Opening ceremony

The organisers are offering live videostreaming, and you can also follow the results online at

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