European Universities Tennis Championship opens in Madrid

European Universities Tennis Championship opens in Madrid

The Opening Ceremony of the 11th European Universities Tennis Championship 2017 was held with a very colourful and charming ceremony on July 23 at the University Camilo Jose Cela facilities in Madrid, Spain.

More than 100 participants coming from 21 university teams from 15 countries will compete for the title of the champions in Tennis.

VIP guests at the Opening

The Opening was attended by participants, local authorities, EUSA representatives and other invited guests and spectators.

Mr Cerezo

Just after National Anthem of Spain the representative of the High Council for Sports Mr Juan Pablo Cerezo welcomed all the teams gathered.

Mrs Canoyra

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, participants were welcomed by the Executive Director of SEK Education Group, Mrs Concha Canoyra.

EUSA representative Mr Santos

EUSA representative Mr Filipe Santos also welcomed everyone and wished all the teams and participants great competitions and all the best. He also thanked the Organizing Committee for all their contributions and efforts for the development of university sport.


The competition is organized by University Camilo Jose Cela with support of the Royal Spanish Tennis Federation and Madrid Tennis Federation. Together with EUSA representative Mr Santos, Technical Delegate Mr Daniel Studer and Assistant Mrs Anastasia Tsouroufili they are working closely together to ensure best conditions for the participants.

For more information and results, please see

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