European Universities Tennis Championship 2017 concluded

European Universities Tennis Championship 2017 concluded

A great 11th European Universities Tennis Championship came to an end on July 29, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. After six days of tournament more than 110 participants representing 21 university teams from 15 countries competed for the title of the champions in Tennis. Last day, both women’s and men’s finals showed spectacular and tough matches and all officials, athletes and spectators had the opportunity to enjoy an unforgettable day.

In women’s tournament the athletes representing the University of Bordeaux (FRA) won in the finals against their colleagues representing the University of Stirling (GBR) 2:1. In men’s final the home team of University of Camilo Jose Cela (ESP) won after two amazing matches to the University of Grenoble Alpes (FRA), 2:0, with the presence of the President of the Royal Spanish Tennis Federation, Mr Miguel Diaz.

Female tennis tournament

For the 3d place both in men’s and women’s tournaments matches were between the University of Innsbruck (AUT) and Istanbul Aydin University (TUR). In women’s tournament the result was 2:1 for Istanbul Aydin University and in men’s tournament the same result, but this time in favour of the University of Innsbruck (AUT).

Male tennis tournament

The last competition day and the event concluded with the closing and awarding ceremony, which took place at the University Camilo Jose Cela facilities in Madrid, Spain. EUSA Honorary member Mr Filipe Santos together with EUC Tennis 2017 OC Executive Managers Mr Jose Luis Lesma and Mr Aitor Canibe Sanchez, the representative of the Madrid Tennis Federation Mr Jose Luis Aparicio, local authorities and EUSA technical delegates Mr Daniel Studer and Mrs Anastasia Tsoufourli congratulated the athletes and awarded the medals and the competition.

Medal awardings

During the Closing ceremony the participants were greeted by Mr Santos, who emphasized the importance of these events and the great job performed by the Organizing Committee and saying that we can celebrate all other winners, starting from staff and volunteers, Organizing Committee members, referees and technical delegates, and of course all the athletes and teams officials.

EUSA flag

Mr Canibe Sanchez thanked the local organizers, partners, Madrid Tennis Federation, Royal Spanish Tennis Federation  and the European University Sports Association  (EUSA) for the great support, participants for the fair play & sportsmanship and congratulated the winners and volunteers.

At the end of the event, the EUSA Flag was passed on to the organizers of the European Universities Games Coimbra 2018, as tennis will be included there as well. The next European Universities Tennis Championship will otherwise be held in 2019 in Podgorica, Montenegro. After closing ceremony all participants were invited to a barbecue feeling a great atmosphere after an amazing tournament.

For more information and results, please see

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