European Universities Sport Climbing Championship 2017 concluded

European Universities Sport Climbing Championship 2017 concluded

The 2nd European Universities Sport Climbing Championship, which formed part of the Split 2017 university sport competitions in Split, Croatia, in 3x3 Basketball, Beach Volleyball and Sport Climbing, concluded yesterday with the finals in lead, followed by the awards and closing ceremony.

More then 70 athletes from different parts of Europe gathered to test their abilities in boulder, speed and lead sport climbing. The competitions also attracted some well-known climbers, including the Croatian representative and world champion for juniors in bouldering Borna Čujić, representing the University of Zagreb (CRO), Iulia Kaplina, representing Industrial University of Tyumen (RUS), world champion holding new Speed record from 2 months ago; her colleague from the same university Svetlana Motovilova who is a bronze medallist from 1st World University Sport Climbing Championship and their teammate Stanislav Kokorin who won the gold in the same competition.

Participants at the EUSA Sports Climbing Championship Split2017

The event started with the boulder category. In the men’s competition, Aleksandr Shikov from the Industrial University of Tyumen (RUS) won the gold medal not dropping his first position after qualifications. Silver medal went to Simon Lorenzi from the Catholic University of Louvain (BEL), while his colleague Sebastien Berthe followed him on third position.


In female competition, Ajda Remskar representing the University of Edinburgh (GBR) was the most successful, winning first place and Jennifer Wood from the University of Sheffield (GBR) second, winning another medal after bronze on European Universities Games last year. Daria Kan representing the Industrial University of Tyumen (RUS) was third.


In the speed category, the competitions were very intense but in the end, the athletes from the Industrial University of Tyumen (RUS) dominated the competition, with Aleksandr Shikov winning the competition, his colleague Artem Savelyev coming second, and Semen Chesnokov from the Siberian Federal University (RUS) third. Russian athletes from the same universities also dominated in the female category, with Iulia Kaplina from Industrial University of Tyumen claiming the gold, Anna Tsyganova from Siberian Federal University silver and bronze went to Daria Kan from the Industrial University of Tyumen.


The male and female EUSA Sport Climbing finals in category lead, was held on July 28 at the Dom Mladezi in Split. Among eleven men finalists, the winner was Simon Lorenzi, representing Catholic University of Louvain (BEL). Second place in lead category was won by his colleague Sebastien Berthe from the same university and third place went to Igor Fojcik from the AGH University of Science and Technology (POL). From eleven women finalists, the winner was Jennifer Wood from University of Sheffield (GBR), second place was won by Aniek Lith from University of Wageningen (NED) and third place Ajda Remskar representing the University of Edinburgh (GBR).

Medallists men (lead)

Simon Lorenzi from the Catholic University of Louvain (BEL) also won the diploma for the Combined Men; and Aleksandr Shikov from the Industrial University of Tyumen (RUS) for the Super Combined Men. In female category, the diploma for Combined Women went to Jennifer Wood from the University of Sheffield (GBR) and Ajda Remskar, representing the University of Edinburgh (GBR) won the Super Combined category.

Medallists women (lead)

The Industrial University of Tyumen (RUS) won the University team cup, with Catholic University of Louvain (BEL) taking second and Siberian Federal University (RUS) third place.

University team medallists

At the awards and closing ceremony, the medals and awards were given by the President of the Organising Committee Mr Boris Males, EUSA Executive Committee member Mr Tarmo Jaakson and EUSA Technical Delegate for Sport Climbing Mr Matteo Pastori.

Closing speech by Mr Tarmo Jaakson

After three very intense days of competition in boulder, speed and lead, climbers finished their performances on this championship and are returning home, enriched with new friends, one experience more and some of them with medals and awards. Next EUSA event in sport climbing will be held in 2019, when the European Universities Sport Climbing Championship will be hosted in Belgrade, Serbia

For more information and detailed results, please see

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