European Universities Golf Championship opens in Liberec

European Universities Golf Championship opens in Liberec

The Opening Ceremony of European Universities Golf Championship took place on September 11 at the Technical university in Liberec, Czech Republic. The ceremony was attended by several authorities, including Mr Zdenek Kus - Rector of Technical University of Liberec, Mr Petr Tulpa - Deputy of Liberec region, Mr Vladimir Bohac - Deputy of Liberec Sport Association, Mrs Ivana Ertlova - President of Czech University Sports Association.

The ceremony began with the arrival of all athletes from each university and the EUSA flag. A special musical drums performance welcomed the athletes with music.

Drums performance

On behalf of the Organizing Committee participants were welcomed by Mr Jindrich Martinec. EUSA Executive Committee representative Mr Aitor Canibe Sanchez welcomed all participants and wished all the teams and participants who came to test their skills and abilities great competitions and all the best. He also said thank the Organizing Committee for all their contributions.

Welcome on behalf of the hosts

The competition is organized by Czech University Sports Association and Technical University of Liberec, with contribution of Golf club Machnin, Czech Golf Federation and government of Liberec region.

Welcome by EUSA representative

European University Sports Association (EUSA) is represented by Executive Committee member Mr Aitor Canibe Sanchez and the Technical Delegate Mr Miha Kurner; they are also supported by Mr Davor Travnikar, EUSA Sports Assistant. Together with the local organisers they are making sure that the event runs smoothly.

Golf course

The Competition is taking place between September 11 and 15 at the Golf club Machnin near Liberec, hosting 11 male and 10 female teams, representing 13 Universities from 7 European countries. The title of European Universities Champion is defended by University of Stirling (GBR) in both categories.

More info can be found at

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