European Universities Games 2018 Seminar

European Universities Games 2018 Seminar

On January 13, European University Sports Association (EUSA) organised a seminar for the bidders for organising the 4th European Universities Games in 2018. The seminar was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia – the city where the EUSA Offices are located in.


Mrs Ivana Ertlova, EUSA Executive Committee member and President of the Technical Commission greeted the participants – representatives of the bidding cities of Coimbra, Portugal and Tampere, Finland who submitted the letter of interest and met the requirements to bid for the European Universities Games 2018.

Mrs Ivana Ertlova


A short introduction about EUSA as the continental governing body in the field of university sport in Europe and the concept of the European Universities Games was done by Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General.

Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General


Mr Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications Manager presented the European Universities Games Bidding, focusing on the main steps in the bidding and the presentation the candidates need to make before the Games event will be attributed later this year in April at the occasion of the EUSA General Assembly.

Mr Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications Manager


Contents of the bidding book, technical requirements and all the rules and regulations were introduced by EUSA Sports Manager Mr Patrik Perosa. He gave an overview of all the technical parts the candidates will have to focus on in their bidding dossier.

Mr Patrik Perosa, EUSA Sports Manager


Before the Questions and Answers part, Mr Pecovnik additionally presented the points of promotion and time-schedule of the bidding process and summed up the next steps. During the presentations the candidates also had a chance to learn from the past experiences in the previous biddings of the already attributed European Universities Games.

Presentations at the seminar


After the submission of the bidding dossiers to EUSA by the applicant cities, EUSA Evaluation team will visit the candidate cities in March and the candidates will present their bids during the EUSA General Assembly in Denizli, Turkey in the beginning of April, when the 4th European Universities Games 2018 will also be attributed


The European Universities Games is a biannual multi-sport event, the largest European University sporting competition in Europe, licensed by the European University Sports Association. After the successful first edition in Cordoba, Spain in 2012, the next - 2nd edition of the Games will be held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands between July 24 and August 8, 2014.

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