European Universities Games 2018 attributed

European Universities Games 2018 attributed

During the 15th General Assembly of the European University Sports Association (EUSA), the 4th edition of the European Universities Games, to take place in 2014, has been attributed.


The European Universities Games is a multi-sport student sport event, accompanied with cultural and educational programme. In 2018 the Games will encompass competitions in 8 compulsory, 4 optional and at least one demonstrational sport.

EUSA Games 2018 Seminar


In the bidding process which started in June 2013, EUSA member federations proposed Tampere in Finland and Coimbra in Portugal as candidate cities. The cities attended a special seminar devoted to the bidding process in January and submitted their bids in February and were visited by EUSA evaluation committee in March this year.

Presentation by the Coimbra delegation


Delegations of the candidate cities Tampere and Coimbra were present at the EUSA General Assembly in Denizli, where they were able to promote their projects and do the final presentation of their candidatures publicly, in front of EUSA Assembly delegates, partners and invited guests on April 5, 2014.

Presentation by Tampere delegation


According to the draw made on April 3 at the EUSA Executive Committee Meeting, the bidding committee of Coimbra held the presentation first, followed by the bidding committee of Tampere as the second candidate. 



The decision about the host city was announced on behalf of the EUSA Executive Committee members by EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek during the special EUSA Gala, held in Denizli on April 5. Mr Roczek stressed the excellent bids of both cities, thanking and congratulating both candidates on their preparation and interest.

Coimbra promo stand


The European Universities Games in 2018 will be organised in… …Coimbra, Portugal!

Signing of the attribution and pre-agreement contract


After the announcement and congratulations, the preliminary contract has been signed with the representatives of the chosen city of the 2018 EUSA Games – Coimbra.

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