European Universities Games 2016 Attributed

European Universities Games 2016 Attributed
The second day of the EUSA Executive Committee meeting, held on June 1, 2013 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, was completely devoted to the European Universities Games 2016.
After successful organisation of the first edition of the EUSA Games last summer in Cordoba and intense preparations for the 2nd edition of the event next year in Rotterdam, it was time for the presentation and evaluation of the bids for the 3rd European Universities Games and the attribution of the Games.
EUSA President, Vice Presidents, Secretary General and Advisor to the President with The Mayor of Ljubljana

The event was held at the historic Council Meeting room at the Ljubljana City Hall, with the support of the Mayor of Ljubljana Mr Zoran Jankovic who hosted the reception for the EUSA Executive Committee members, bidding committee representatives and guests the night before.

EUSA Secretary General making the introduction
Before the presentations started, a short introduction and recap of the process was given by EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik. EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek then presented special EUSA plaquets to both candidates, thanking them for their bid and wishing them best of luck in their presentations.

Zagreb-Rijeka Bidding Commmittee
The Croatian bidding presentation of Zagreb-Rijeka was held first, as decided by the draw made at the EUSA Executive Committee meeting the day before. The delegation was led by Mr Goran Kozulj, the Chairman of the Bidding Committee, and other members of the delegation were Mr Zeljko Jovanovic, Minister of Science, Education and Sports; Mr Pero Lucin, Rector of the University of Rijeka; Petra Radetic, President of Student Council of the University of Zagreb; Mrs Jelena Pavicic Vukicevic, Deputy Mayor of the City of Zagreb and Mr Zrinko Custonja, the President of the Croatian University Sports Federation (CASF).
From the Croatian bid presentation

The presentation was followed by a questions and answers session, and the same system applied also for the Portuguese delegation with the bidding city of Coimbra, which came next.

Coimbra Bidding Commmittee
The Coimbra delegation was composed of Mr Ricardo Morgado, the Chairman of the Bidding Committee; Mr Emidio Guerreiro, Secretary of State for Sport and Youth; Mr Joao Gabriel Silva, Rector of the University of Coimbra; Mr Joao Barbosa De Melo, Mayor of Coimbra; Mr Bruno Barracosa, the President of the Academic University Sports Federation of Portugal (FADU) and Mr Tiago Martins, Vice-President of the Students Council of the University of Coimbra.
From the Portuguese presentation of the bid

Before the announcement of the winning city was done, EUSA President Mr Roczek stressed the quality of both bids and presentations, and opened the envelope with the results.

Announcement of the organisers of the 2016 European Universities Games by EUSA President Mr Roczek
The 3rd European Universities Games in 2016 will be organised in: Zagreb-Rijeka in Croatia!

Joy of the team from Zagreb-Rijeka
After the announcement, congratulations and signing of the preliminary agreement, the third EUSA Executive Committee meeting in the year officially concluded, with next one being organised in October in Yerevan, Armenia.

The team from Zagreb and Rijeka with the EUSA President Mr Roczek

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