European Universities Bridge and Chess Championships open in Fuengirola

European Universities Bridge and Chess Championships open in Fuengirola

The Opening Ceremony of the European Universities Bridge and Chess Championships 2017 took place in Hotel Las Palmeras, Fuengirola, in the evening of September 20, 2017.

The Ceremony was attended by Mr Manuel Torres Aguilar, Vice-Rector of the International University of Andalusia, Mr Yves Aubry, President of the European Bridge League (EBL), Mr Pedro Cuevas, Sports Councillor of the Fuengirola Town Hall, as well as the participants and EUSA and Organising Committee representatives.

Participants at the Opening

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, Mr Rifaat Chabouk welcomed athletes, coaches and officials, and local press to Fuengirola and to the event. EUSA Executive Committee representative Mr Wolf Fruehauf, EUSA SCAC Chair for the championships welcomed all participants and wished all the teams and participants who came to test their skills and abilities great competitions and all the best. He also thanked the Organizing Committee for all their contributions.

Welcome addresses

The Opening ceremony also featured the presentations of participating teams, and included a cultural program with traditional Spanish dances.

March pass - presentation of the teams

The competition is being organized by International University of Andalusia and Spanish University Sport Committee, in collaboration with local partners in Fuengirola and support by the governing bodies - European Bridge League (EBL) and the European Chess Union (ECU). The organising committee have great experience in EUSA events, with Mr Chabouk and Mr Torres Aguilar organising the first European Universities Games in Cordoba, back in 2012.

Cultural programme

The championships will take place from September 21 until the last day of competition on September 24. At the event the European University Sports Association (EUSA) is represented by Mr Wolf Frühauf, Technical Delegates for Bridge Mr Harry Van de Peppel, and for Chess Mr Oleksandr Sulypa, along with EUSA Office staff Mr Liam Smith.

SCAC Meeting with OC and EUSA representatives

The Competition is hosting more than 110 participants representing 25 European Universities from 15 different countries.

Participants of the event

Don’t forget to check results section of the webpage, where you can even watch games live as they happen! EUSA is also celebrating the International Day of University Sport #idus and the European Week of Sport #beactive with and during the European Universities Bridge and Chess Championships in Fuengirola.

Please see for details.

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