European Sport Citizens Forum 2010

European Sport Citizens Forum 2010

ISCA (International Sport and Culture Association) and CESS (European Confederation sport and Health) organised the Sport Citizens' Forum in Bled, Slovenia, between November 18 and 21, 2010.


Sport Citizens’ Forum, attended also by Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications Manager, adopted a Declaration on grass-root sport and citizenship.




The Declaration on grass-root sport and citizenship was adopted by citizens from 33 Sport for All associations and - stakeholders from 10 countries and includes overall and specific European visions, health enhancing physical activity, education, training and volunteering in sport, social inclusion and sustainable development in and through sport.


Beside the plenary sessions and workshops, the Forum also included a social programme and several physical activities, including a dance evening.


Dance evening


The Sport Citizens’ Forum in Bled, Slovenia, is part of the project Sport and Cultures in Dialogue, cofounded by the European Commission.  ISCA, CESS and national sport organizations from 10 European countries set out to facilitate a direct and trans-national dialogue between citizens in existing EU member countries and in candidate/potential candidate countries in South East Europe, focusing on the role that sport and sport organizations can play in developing strong civil societies.


The main activities of the project included organization of 3 local Citizens’ Panels, organised in Macedonia, Albania and Croatia and a Sport Citizens’ Forum held in Slovenia.

More information on the project of Sport and Cultures in Dialogue:

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