European Open University Powerlifting Cup 2023

Between March 16th and 18th of March, the 4th edition of the European University Cup in Classic Powerlifting was held in Albi, France. At the competition, 123 athletes representing their universities, forming a group of 64 male athletes and 59 female athletes, coming from 10 countries across Europe, took part in the event.
Throughout the 3 days of competition, women were competing in 6 categories, from -47kg to +84kg and men also in 6 categories, from -59kg to +120kg.
Day one, and the start of this 3 day University Cup competition, showcasing some of the best University lifters in Europe, in Albi, France, saw the -47 kg, -52 kg and -57 kg women with overall gold medals going to Mathilde Casanova of University of Dijon, France in the -47kg class, Nina Svarvare Oleinikova of Umea University, Sweden, in the -52kg class and Lea Gratacos of University of Toulouse, France, in the -57 kg class.
In the men´s session in the afternoon, the -74kg and -66kg (B group) were followed by the -59 kg and -66kg (A group). Universities from France, dominated on the gold part of the podium, having Guillaume Gaignet of the University of Toulouse (FRA) holding the gold in the -74 kg class, Robin Alix, of the University of Nantes (FRA), in the -59kg class and Than da Pham from University of Lyon (FRA) in the 66 kg class.
In the first session of the second day, the -63kg women A and B groups gave fast-moving and exciting action right to the end with many EUSA records for Ellen B. Akesson of Linkoping University (SWE) with a deadlift of 192.5 kgs and in the bench press with 100 kg. The European University Record Squat with 165 kg by Mathilde Rosset was broken in the 63 kg class.
The overall medals of the -69 kg class, starting with the gold medal going to Valerie Velemanova of Charles University (CZE), the silver was won by Mathilde Pataille of University of Picardy (FRA) while the bronze went in the hands of Bertille Hedon also of University of Picardy (FRA), wrapped up the women part of the competition of day 2.
This session was followed by the -93 kg men, with great performances, with the gold medal going to Mattias Svensson from Lund University (SWE). He broke the European University Record Deadlift with 320.5 kg. The silver was to Erik Hartman from Lund University (SWE) and the bronze to Quentin Garcia of the University of Grenoble (FRA).
The final session of the day – the men’s -83 kg weight class, in A and B groups of 8 each group took us to the end of the day. We saw some big lifts in both groups but ultimately Andreas Nilsson of Lund University (SWE) came through as champion with 740kgs. Andreas Nilsson broke the European University Record Bench Press with 185 kg. The silver medal belongs to Hugo Gregoire of Montpelier University (FRA) with 647.5 kgs and Przemyslaw Milczaroczyk of the Military University of Technology (POL) with 625 kg.
The third day of the competition was another great day of lifting having the women’s -76, -84, and 84+ kg classes and the men’s -105- -120 and 120+ kg classes.
The overall medals of women’s -76kg weight category gold medallist were Machwate Emma of University of Strasbourg (FRA) with a total of 425kg. She broke the European University Record Deadlift with 195kg in the 76 kg class. The silver medallist was Dankova Lucie of Tomas Bata University in Zlin (CZE) and the bronze medallist was Hernandez Guerrero Claudia of Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes (ESP).
The next session was followed by the -84kg women’s category. Zeleznik Nusa from the University of Ljubljana (SLO) won the gold medal. She broke the European University Record Squat with 168 kg. Zemkova Veronika from the Palacky University of Olomouc (CZE) won the silver medal.
The 84+kg was the last session in the women’s weight class category where Mmadi Salma from the University of Toulouse (FRA) won the gold medal. She broke the European University Record Deadlift with 175.5 kg.
In the last 3 sessions of the European University Cup in Classic Powerlifting first, the men’s -105kg weight class A and B category competed where the gold medallist became Johansson Emil of the Umea University (SWE) with a total of 792.5kg. The European University Record Squat with 293 kg by Emil Johansson was broken in the 105 kg class. The silver medallist was Tchandeu Noundou Eliam of the University of Lyon (FRA).The bronze medallist was Ratnieks Reinis of the Riga Stradins University (LVA).
The following session was organized in the men’s -120kg weight class category where Portes Filip from the Palacky University Olomouc (CZE) won the gold medal with a total of 730kg, Lind Tobias of the Umea University (SWE) won the silver medal and Stangret Krzysztof of the Military University of Technology (POL) won the bronze medal.
The European University Cup in Classic Powerlifting was concluded with the men’s 120+ kg weight category which 4 competitors attended. Tuszynski Bartlomiej from the Military University of Technology (POL) was the gold medallist with a total of 755kg, Velinov Sasho of the National Sports Academy (SLO) became the silver medallist and the bronze medallist was Klem Richard of the Brno University of Technology (CZE).
The event was held under the auspices of the European Powerlifting Federation (EPF) and the France Powerlifting Federation (FPF), under the patronage of the European University Sports Association (EUSA), as an open cup. For more details and complete set of results, please see the official page of the event and check out the photo gallery at the europowerlifting Facebook page.