European Commission's funding call

European Commission's funding call
Based on the 2012 Annual Work Programme, the European Commission adopted the grants and contracts for the Preparatory Action - European Partnership on Sports and for the Pilot Project - Knowledge Partnership. On this basis, the Commission launched a call for proposals end of April to support transnational projects presented by public bodies or civil society organisations in the field of sport. This call follows the ones launched in the previous years which resulted in financial support for 18 projects (out of 207 applications) in 2009, 12 projects (out of 146 applications) in 2010 and 12 projects (out of 106 applications) in 2011.
We are happy to report that EUSA is a partner of two projects, together with other partners; one from the 2010 bid - the European Anti-Doping Initiative, and from the 2011 bid the Prevention of sexual violence in sport.

European Commission, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism, Sport, Media and Youth, Mrs Androulla Vassiliou
The 2012 call for proposals, endowed with an indicative budget of € 3.5 million, will support transnational projects aimed at identifying suitable networks and good practices in the following areas:
(1) The fight against match-fixing,
(2) The promotion of physical activity supporting active ageing,
(3) Awareness-raising about effective ways of promoting sport at municipal level,
(4) Trans-frontier joint grassroots sport competitions in neighbouring regions and Member States.
For more information about the call, please see
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