European Anti-Doping Initiative

European Anti-Doping Initiative

Partners in the European Anti-Doping Initiative (EADIn) met in Frankfurt, Germany on January 27, 2011 for the kick-off meeting of the project. At the meeting, EUSA was represented by its Medical Commission Chairman Dr. Haris Pavletic from Croatia.

The project is aimed at establishing an European-wide Anti-Doping mentality in the youth sector by establishing a moral tenor towards concepts such as Fair-play, sensitizing and raising awareness on all levels of the complex social environment surrounding the doping problematic and implementing strategies to motivate young people to pass on the message and create a strong multiplying effect.

Core partners in the project are the Network for the European Youth Work in Sports within the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO Youth), European University Sports Association (EUSA), German Sports Youth within the German Olympic Committee (DSJ), French Olympi Committee (CNOSF), Olympic Committee of Slovenia (OKS), Austrian Athletics Federation (ÖLV), Italian Federation of Aerobics and Fitness (FIAF), International Catholic Federation of Physical and Sporting Education (FICEP) and Doping Prevention Center at the Heidelberg University of Education (ZDP).


European Anti-Doping Initiative logo

The actions of the project will be to develop a peer-to-peer network of Anti Doping Junior Ambassador (ADJA) through Youth Camps, develop a best practice catalogue and an EU Model for preventive Anti-Doping Education, implement this model in several levels (Local, National, European), produce educational training tools to support the work of the ADJA and to spread the information and organise seminars and conferences on National and European levels in order to encourage networking, communication and future long-term cooperation between the partners.

The project will continue in different phases by the end of March 2012. Currently, the official website of the project is under contruction, and is scheduled to be launched and promoted by the end of March 2011.

The European Anti-Doping Initiative is funded by the EU programme Preparatory Action in the field of sport, and promotes healthy sports participation, without drugs.

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