Europe will move again

Europe will move again

100 million more Europeans physically active by 2020: That is the ambitious goal set by the European Union. One of the keys to reach this objective is the annual Move Week. In 2014, the event will take place in 250 cities in 33 countries all over Europe from 29 September to 5 October 2014. 


Lack of physical activity is actually a bigger threat to public health than smoking. Two thirds of the adult population in Europe over 15 do not reach the recommended level of activity, which is 30 minutes per day on most weekdays. As a consequence physical inactivity is estimated to attribute to one million deaths, about 10 % of the total, per year in Europe.



Move Week marks the peak of the European campaign NowWeMove by the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA), with more than 2000 events in 33 countries. The events are dedicated to celebrating sport and physical activity. Local national coordinators can help you plan your own activity, or join the existing ones; the website offers more information.


Move Week brings together various activities around Europe

In 2013, the campaign attracted an estimated 500.000 citizens in Europe, with 1257 events across 33 countries, organised by 600 local organisers - Move Agents. There were also some good examples of the activities within university sport - see below the highlights video of the last year's campaign, featuring a French university initiative, promoting sport for all, including people with impairments.



The campaign is one of the good example projects funded by the European Union which will lead to the realisation of the European Week of Sport starting in 2015.


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