Europe Day and Photo Competition Winners

Europe Day and Photo Competition Winners

Today, on May 9, Europe is celebrating Europe Day, which marks the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration signed 63 years ago as the first move towards the creation of what we now know as the European Union. 9 May became Europe Day in 1985, with several events held in Member States across Europe to celebrate European achievements.

To celebrate Europe Day, the EU institutions in Brussels and Strasbourg have opened their doors to the public in May. In the video below the Presidents of the EU institutions explain who does what, what's specific to each institution, what is the role of President and how they see Europe's future.



Eurodesk, provider of information on European policies and opportunities for young people, announced the winners of the poster competition, held within the European Year of Citizens 2013.

Call for the poster competition


Konstantinos, Eloisa and Szilvia (coincidentially all from Spain) are the big winners of the right2move poster competition chosen by the jury. They will have the chance to travel to Brussels during the European Youth Week end of May and see their posters exhibited at the Eurodesk Stand at the YO!Fest, together with the other 7 posters most voted by the public.

Eurodesk poster competition winners

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