Eurodesk poster competition

Eurodesk poster competition

Eurodesk, provider of information on European policies and opportunities for young people, is inviting youth accross Europe to participate in the poster competition, held within the European Year of Citizens 2013.


If your country is in the Eurodesk network, you are between 18 and 30, and a former or current participant of European mobility programmes (e.g.: Erasmus, Youth in Action, Leonardo da Vinci, etc.), you are invited to submit your poster design until 13 April 2013.


The public will vote on the 10 best designs from 14 April to 28 April 2013 and an European jury will chose the three overall winners. The top 3 winners will be offered a trip to Brussels to join the Yo! Fest at the European Youth Week in May 2013 for 3 days. The 10 highest ranked posters will also be printed and exhibited during the European Youth Week event in the European Parliament Esplanade.


For more information and to enter the competition, please see the Eurodesk's website.

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