EUG2012 inspection visit & working meetings

EUG2012 inspection visit & working meetings

EUSA Representatives made an inspection visit to Cordoba, and had several working meetings with the Organisers of the 1st European Universities Games, to take place in Cordoba, Spain between July 13 and 23, 2012. The games will feature 10 sports on the programme of EUSA events: basketball, handball, football, futsal, rugby 7s, volleyball, badminton, beach-volleyball, table tennis and tennis.

EUSA President Mr Alberto Gualtieri, Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, Sports Manager Mr Adam Roczek, Communications Manager Mr Andrej Pisl and Office Assistant Mrs Danijela Babic were met by the representatives of the Organising Committee prof. dr. Vicente Martinez Orga and Mr Rifaat Chabouk.

Hotel inspection visit

Together they attended some sports and accommodation venues, starting with 4-star Hotel Macia Alfaros, the foreseen accommodation of Executive Committee Members, technical delegates and other VIPs during the Games.

Campus of the University of Cordoba

The delegation then visited the main campuses of the University of Cordoba, where the participants will be accommodated, and where the main operational center will be located.


Foreseen accommodation center

They then met city representatives and managers of sports objects within Cordoba, and visited Margaritas, Fuensanta & Fatima sports objects where handball and volleyball will be played.

Visiting Cordoba sports venues

EUSA representatives and Organising Committee then visited Encinarejo, where table tennis and Badminton will be played, and met with the mayor Mr Miguel Ruiz Madruga.

Mayor of Encinarejo Mr Madruga and EUSA President Mr Gualtieri

In the evening, a working meeting was organised, focusing on the transportation, accommodation, catering and other details. EUSA representatives Mr Alberto Gualtieri, Mr Matjaz Pecovnik and Mr Adam Roczek were joined by Mr Aitor Canibe Sanchez, Mr Antonio Garcia del Moral, Mr Manuel Torres Aguilar, Mr Vicente Martinez Orga and Mr Rifaat Chabouk. On a separate meeting, Mr Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications Manager and Mr Haris Pavletic, EUSA Medical Commission Chairman met with the Organisers to discuss medical topics, with special focus on the anti-doping, as part of the European Anti-Doping Initiative (EADIn).

Meetings with the Organisers

The registration for the Games is open for national university sports associations to register the university teams. Since a limit of the participating teams will be imposed, we advise the universities to register as soon as possible. For details, please refer to EUSA EUG 2012 info page and the official website

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