EUG 2022: EUSA round table on Dual Career

On 19 July, EUSA held a Round Table focusing on Dual Career at Zatoka Sportu venue in Lodz. This conference along with yesterday’s conference on Volunteering were part of the educational segment of the program for European Universities Games 2022.
The European University Sports Association, apart from the sports competitions and other educational events, also runs independent projects, together with other partners. Empowering young people and encouraging employability related to the sport sector is an important part of work done by projects related to Dual Career.
The first speaker was European Dual Career Network (EAS) President Ms Laura Capranica, who reminded fundamental human rights: right of education and right to play that cannot be taken away from athletes. She explained that European countries have very different way to approach this topic, also highlighting that there are gender inequalities on this matter. She emphasised that many actors have a role regarding dual career for athletes: coaches, companies, media, etc. EAS Network is working on it through several project including Brand Value Alignment through Dual Career (BRAVA) European project.
The Polish Olympic Committee representative, Ms Luiza Zlotkowska, was the second speaker and shared her own experience as a former Olympian athlete. As her athlete career was coming to an end, she decided to help other athletes to find their next career path. She also presented the multiple projects that the Polish Olympic Committee takes part in, that support athletes to find a balance between their professional and sport life.
The third speaker represented the Swiss University Sports, Mr Andreas Czonka, who is also an EUSA Executive Committee member. He explained how the Swiss University Sports Association is collaborating with policy makers to improve conditions for athletes. He presented the specific situation of Switzerland which has 50% of its athletes studying in university, which makes the dual career topic very relevant.
Mr Kole Gjeloshaj spoke on behalf of the International School Sport Federation (ISF), an organisation organising multi sports events that includes educational activities for high school and secondary school students. He highlighted the challenges for children in early specialisation in sport. Moreover, according to him, dual career should be in context with sustainable development.
"University sport is the embodiment of dual career."- is what stated the last speaker, EUSA Project and Communications manager Mr Andrej Pisl. He presented the different events and projects in which the EUSA Institute takes part in such as: Micro Learning Entrepreneurship for Athletes (MLEA), Brand Value Alignment through Dual Career (BRAVA) and PRODUCE.
Lastly, the conference finished with a panel discussion involving all speakers and Mr Joerg Foerster, EUSA Executive Committee member. The panellists mentioned many different questions including the way universities help student athletes by adapting exams for example, the dual career initiatives and good practices that should evolve to match the needs of the evolving career paths.
It is everyone's role to raise awareness about dual career.
For more information on Dual Career, please see