EUG 2016 Promotional Dinner

EUG 2016 Promotional Dinner

The Croatian Academic Sports Federation (CASF) and the Organising Committee of the European Universities Games 2016 in Zagreb and Rijeka organised on March 27, 2014 in Zagreb a promotional dinner for the EUG2016, on which the key partners on the event were invited. Among them were also the Prime Minister of Croatia Mr Zoran Milanovic, the Minister of Science, Education and Sport Mr Zeljko Jovanovic, the Croatian Olympic Committee President, Mr Zlatko Matesa, the Mayor of Rijeka, Mr Vojko Obersnel and many others.


The European University Sports Association (EUSA) was also invited and was represented by its President, Mr Adam Roczek, and Secretary General, Mr Matjaz Pecovnik.

Promotional dinner


More than 100 invited guests were firstly welcomed by Mr Zrinko Custonja, CASF President. "I am happy to announce that the European Universities Games in 2016 will be the largest European multi-sport event in 2016 and the biggest sporting event in the history of Croatia", said Mr Custonja. 

Mr Gordan Kožulj, who was the chairman of the Bidding Committee for the Games, spoke on the legacy of games. "With the EUG, we will encourage young people to participate actively in sports and recreational activities and increase the student standards by improving the accommodation and recreational infrastructure for students in Zagreb and Rijeka", he said.

EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek

The President of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) Mr Adam Roczek addressed the participants, emphasising the importance of university sport and its perspectives especially through major events like the European Universities Games.

Prime Minister of Croatia Mr Milanovic


Prime Minister of Croatia, Mr Milanovic, who is also the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the European Universities Games in Zagreb - Rijeka in 2016, expressed his wish that the games will be a successful project which will introduce Croatia as a country with good universities and good student standard f and that thousands of participants will remember the games for long-life. "We want the games to be the best ever", he added.

Minister of Science, Education and Sport Mr Jovanovic


The last speakers of the evening were Mr Jovanovic, Minister of Science, Education and Sport, who presented the conclusions of the Regional Conference on Academic Sports, recently held in Rijeka, and Mr Haris Pavletic, Croatian Academic Sports Federation Vice President, who presented the activities and projects of the federation.

EUSA Secretary General and President with Croatian Paralympic and Olympic Committee Presidents


The dinner was organised in event hall located in the Student Campus of Zagreb, which will be renovated to host the participants of the 2016 EUSA Games.

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