EUG 2016 Evaluation Visits concluded

EUG 2016 Evaluation Visits concluded
On the second day of the Evaluation Visit to Zagreb and Rijeka, Mr Neven Mimica, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Croatia received the EUSA Evaluation Commission Members Mr Adam Roczek, President, Mr Ceslovas Garbaliauskas, EC Member and Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, Secretary General. On the meeting, Mr Mimica once again stressed the commitments of the government for the organisation of the European Universities Games.

EUSA, Bidding Committee and the Croatian Government

The EUSA representatives were also received by Mrs Jelena Pavicic Vukicevic, Deputy Mayor of the City of Zagreb, guaranteeing the support of the City of Zagreb for the Games.
"The City of Zagreb has all the necessary infrastructure to organise, together with Rijeka, the European Universities Games on the highest quality level possible" stressed the Deputy Mayor, assuring also the financial commitments of the City of Zagreb given to the organisation of the event.

Zagreb Deputy Mayor and EUSA President

In the afternoon, the delegation visited the Student Dormitories foreseen to be used to accommodate the participants and to be used as the headquarters of the Games.
The Student Dormitories in Zagreb have the bed capacity of 7.000 beds, more than enough to accommodate all the athletes and officials. Later, the Evaluation Committee Members met also with Mr Aleksa Bjelis, the Rector of the University of Zagreb.

Student dormitories

The visit continued with evaluation of number of sport facilities planned to be used for the games, including the Arena Zagreb where the opening ceremony is planned to be organised. The Evaluation Visit to Zagreb and Rijeka concluded with the final meeting of EUSA representatives and Bidding Committee. EUSA President thanked the Croatian Academic Sports Federation and the Bidding Committee for the hospitality during the stay in Croatia.

City of Zagreb

EUSA Evaluation Committee will present its report to the Executive Committee on June 1, 2013 in Ljubljana. The report will be followed by the final presentations of both candidates, Coimbra and Zagreb-Rijeka, after which the EUSA Executive Committee will choose the organiser of the European Universities Games 2016.
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