EUC Tennis 2015 opens in Wroclaw

EUC Tennis 2015 opens in Wroclaw

The Opening Ceremony of the 10th European Universities Tennis Championship took place on 27 July in Wroclaw in recreational complex GEM. In warm family atmosphere of a hotel patio 23 teams from 13 countries aligned to start the event and listen to the welcome speeches.

The President of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) Mr Adam Roczek wished all the teams and participants who came to test their skills and abilities great competition and all the best. He also thanked the Organizing Committee for all their contributions.

Welcome address by EUSA President

On behalf of the Organizing Committee the participants were welcomed by its President Mr Marian Dymalski.

Mr Dymalski and Mr Roczek

The ceremony was held in the sport spirit close to the courts themselves and with the participation of young football players from Club AZS Wroclaw.

Organisers and volunteers

EUSA is represented also by the Technical Delegates Mr Daniel Studer and Mrs Anastasia Tsouroufli. They will make sure that the event runs smoothly and without problems. The Competition will host 12 men and 11 women teams representing 19 Universities from 13 European countries.

First matches already started

The competition is organized by the University Sports Association of Poland with contribution of the Municipality of Wroclaw and Lower-Silesian Region and will last from 27 July to 2 August at recreational complex GEM.

For more information, please see

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