EUC Tennis 2011 ready

EUC Tennis 2011 ready

There are only a few weeks until the European Universities Tennis Championship is about to start. The preparations are in full swing in order to make the stay of the participants an unforgettable one.

The organisers have prepared the information pack bulletin where some general information is available, including the participating teams, facilities, transport and other facts.

The Competition Facility will be two tennis centers, both equipped with carpet with rubber granulate. Competition ball will be the „Wilson US Open official ball“. Close to the tennis centers there will be some shops, a big wellness oasis, a cinema complex and other amenities.


In the men's tournament, 13 participating universities are expected and 12 participating universities in the women's tournament.

Opening of the event will be held on Sunday, September 4 in the evening and the Closing is scheduled for Saturday, September 10 in the evening. Apart from the sports competitions, the organisers are also preparing some entertainment programme and sightseeing tours.

Host: University of St Gallen

For more information, please see the official website of the event

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