EUC Tennis 2011 getting ready

EUC Tennis 2011 getting ready

Swiss University Sports Federation (SUSF) and the University of St. Gallen will host the 8th European Universities Tennis Championship in 2011. During their stay in Switzerland, Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General and Mrs Danijela Babic, Office Assistant met on October 28, 2010 with Mr Daniel Studer, the Tournament Director and Mrs Cécile Baumgartner, SUSF Secretary who presented them the details progress report on the championship organisation.

Mr Studer explained that the Organising Committee has already signed the contracts with the tennis centres where the event will take place. Also the hotels in St. Gallen that will be used for accommodation of the participants, have already been agreed. In order to gain additional useful information and promote our event, we also visited EUC Tennis that was held this July in Coimbra (POR) explained Mr Studer.



The official website of the event is ready and available at The Organising Committee will also be present on the EUSA Convention on Bled this November.

Mr Pecovnik, who inspected the facilities in St Gallen, expressed his satisfaction with engagement of the Organising Committee and the work done so far. I am sure we are looking forward to one another successful EUSA event organised in Switzerland, he added.


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