EUC Tennis 2011 concluded

EUC Tennis 2011 concluded

The final day at the 8th European Universities Tennis Championship in St. Gallen, Switzerland, showed some exciting final games and two new champions. Indeed, the women's tournament was won by Moscow MESI with a 2:0 victory over University School of Physical Education Wroclaw. The third place also went to Poland. Kozminski University won 2:0 against University of Warszaw. In the men's tournament the French team of the University of Poitiers won the title with a 2:0 victory against Moscow MESI. Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan won 2:1 against the University of Hamburg and took the bronze medal.

Medallists - men

According to David Mazacek, Head Referee of the tournament, the level of the tournament was really high. "I was positively surprised about the quality of the players both in the women's and men's tournament. Some players had ATP resp. WTA points, some others were very successful in previous seasons. The tournament was a great success not only from the sport point of view but also the organisation was excellent," he said.

Medallists - women

OC Chair Daniel Studer praised the engagement of the 50 volunteers and was happy that the tournament ended without any injuries or accidents.

Leonz Eder and Daniel Studer

Students from all over Europe had the chance to experience interesting matches at the Tennis courts, showing their best at their chosen sport. Both men's and women's events were filled with intense games throughout the championship.


The Medal awarding ceremony and the closing ceremony took place at the Executive Campus of the University of St. Gallen. Karl Güntzel, President of the Parliament of the Canton St. Gallen, congratulated the participants for their fair play and thanked all the 23 teams from 17 universities and 12 countries for their participation. "Take some good memories from St. Gallen back home and tell your friends and family members about it," he added.

Karl Güntzel, President of the Parliament of the Canton St. Gallen

Olaf Tabor thanked the OC on behalf of EUSA: "You did a great job, and you should bid soon again for another EUC", Tabor added. He welcomed the players and officials to participate at the EUG 2012 in Cordoba.

EUSA EC member and delegate Mr Olaf Tabor awarding medals

OC Chair Daniel Studer thanked EUSA for the trust in St. Gallen and the volunteers for their great job. EUSA was present not only with Olaf Tabor and the TD Nick Grivas. Secretary General Matjaz Pecovnik also paid a visit to the EUC Tennis and participated at the meeting of the student commission which was also held in St. Gallen.

Participants at the closing ceremony

After the final banquet the players' party lasted until the very early morning...


Full results, photos and more information about the event can be found online at

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