EUC Tennis 2008 results

EUC Tennis 2008 results

The 5th European Universities Tennis Championship 2008 took place from December 9-14, 2008 in Dublin (IRL).
The event was organised by the Dublin City University and CUSAI and has attracted participation of 16 men's teams and 11 women's teams  from 11 European countries.

The opening ceremony was held at the Dublin City University. Representatives from CUSAI, the DCU and Tennis Ireland were present and delivered speeches. After playing the EUSA anthem and placing the EUSA flag, Mr. Leonz Eder welcomed all the participants on behalf of EUSA and opened the event.

The matches on the EUC were played on a very high level. The London Metropolitan University won in both the Men's and Women's Championships. Moscow State University were the opponents in the Men's finals, where the British institution secured both singles rubbers to render the doubles irrelevant and win the tie 2-0.

In the Women's event University of Muenster (GER) provided the challenge for the London side, with the singles split, the London Metropolitan University held their nerve to collect the title by winning the doubles rubber. The Organising Committee, chaired by Mr. Jamie Pilkington prepared also a very rich social program for the participants, including parties, sightseeing and shopping, as well as a special dinner for the delegates in the prestigious Clontarf Castle; with a presence of CUSAI Chairman Mr. Kieran Dowd and Secretary General Mr. Brian Mullis. 

More results and info on the EUC Tennis can be found on

The 6th EUC Tennis will be held from July 27-31, 2009 in Poznan (POL).

1) London Metropolitan University (GBR)
2) Moscow University (RUS)
3) Stockholm School of Economics (SWE)
4) Montpellier University (FRA)
5) Warsaw School of Social Psychology (POL)
6) University of Montenegro (MNE)
7) London Metropolitan University II (GBR)
8) University of Muenster (GER)
9) University of Barcelona (ESP)
10) University of Pula (CRO)
11) Heidelburg University (GER)
12) University of Lublin (POL)
13) University of Maribor (SLO)
14) Loughborough University (GBR)
15) Dublin City University (IRL)
16) University College Dublin (IRL)

1) London Metropolitan University (GBR)
2) University of Muenster (GER)
3) Warsaw University of Technology (POL)
4) Moscow University (RUS)
5) Wroclaw University (POL)
6) Loughborough University (GBR)
7) London Metropolitan University (GBR)
8) Loughborough University (GBR)
9) University of Maribor (SLO)
10) Dublin City University (IRL)
11) Dublin City University II (IRL)
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