EUC Rowing starts

EUC Rowing starts

On September 5 in Cultural Centre „Zamek” in Poznan, Poland the official Opening Ceremony of the 8th European Universities Rowing Championship took place.


403 athletes from 62 universities will compete from Friday on Malta Regatta Course. The largest team is Germany – 86 athletes from 15 different universities. The ceremony opened with the colourful procession of all universities which take part in the championship.

Mr Tomasz Szponder, AZS Poznan President


The event started with welcome addresses by AZS Poznań’s President Mr Tomasz Szponder, Prof. Marek Rocki, President of the Polish University Sport Association (AZS Poland) and Mr Adam Roczek, President of the European University Sports Association (EUSA). They welcomed all guests and competitors, wishing them all a great event and best of luck in the competition. The mayor of the city of Poznań Mr Ryszard Grobelny also gave a short speech and declared the event open. 

AZS Poland President Mr Marek Rocki


At the ceremony the official anthems of Poland and EUSA – Gaudeamus Igitur were played. Mr Michał Jeliński – gold medallist from Beijing, hoisted the flags. Participants then took the stage with the march pass.

March pass of the participants

Official oath was taken by Polish representative Mr Adam Marzec and main regatta umpire Ms Anna Widun. The evening ended with a performance by Mr Jacek Winkiel and Ms Agnieszka Kalicka, the latter is also involved in the event as its Media Officer.

Cultural programme


The event will last until Sunday, September 8. EUSA is represented by its President Mr Adam Roczek and Vice-Presidnet Mr Oleg Matytsin. Together with the Technical delegates Mr Josip Kostelic and Mr Nigel Mayglothling they are making sure that the event is going well and according to high standards.

More information you can find on the official website

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