EUC Rowing in Poznan concludes

EUC Rowing in Poznan concludes

Malta Rowing course in Poznan hosted the 8th European Universities Rowing Championship between September 5 and 8, 2013. Over 400 participants representing 61 universities from 14 countries took part in this event. 


The Closing Ceremony took place on Sunday, September 8 following the final races. Sundays finals ended with prestigious men’s eights race. An entertainment programme also followed.

Entertainment programme


Medals and awards were presented by EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek, EUSA and FISU Vice-President Mr Oleg Matytsin, FISU Executive Committee Member Mr Marian Dymalski, Director of Sports and Tourism Department at the Marshals Office Mr Tomasz Wiktor, Director of Sports Department at the Municipality of Poznań, Dr Ewa Bak and President of University Sports Association in Poznań Mr Tomasz Szponder.

Ladies doubles rowing


The event, held under the flag of EUSA (European University Sports Association), had its honorary patronage by Mrs Joanna Mucha, the Polish Minister of Sport. The organizer of the championship was AZS Poznan, with support of also the University Sports Association of Poland.

Medallists - men's eights


European Universities Rowing Championship challenged university teams from all over Europe and in general classification of Universities, the University of Economy Bydgoszcz (Poland) took the lead, with the University of Vienna, Austria on the second and Kazimierz Wielki University, Poland on the third place. In general classification of Nations Germany won, followed by Poland and United Kingdom.

Lowering of EUSA flag


Rowing will also be featured in Rotterdam in 2014 at the 2nd European Universities Games, while the next European Universities Rowing Championship will be held in 2015 in Hannover, Germany.


More information:


Overview of the gold medallists



M8+: University of Zagreb, CRO

W8+:  University of Newcastle, GBR

M4x: University of Economy Bydgoszcz, POL

W4x: University of Economy Bydgoszcz, POL

M4- : University of Vienna, AUT

W4-: Durham University, GBR

LM4x: University of Hamburg, GER

LW4x: University of Exeter, GBR

LM4-: Imperial College London, GBR

M2x : Poznan University of Life Sciences, POL

W2x-: University of Economy Bydgoszcz, POL

M2-: TU Darmstadt, GER

W2- : University of Bremen, GER

LM2x: University of Zurich, SUI

LW2x: University of Vienna, AUT

M1x: Poznan University of Life Sciences, POL

W1x: Kuban University, RUS

LW1x: University of Vienna, AUT

LM1x: University of Economy Bydgoszcz, POL

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